Marc-André Raffalovich
Novels & Poetry
[More Info] Highlights: "Shame and Beauty", "Les Aveux Du Silence", "To The Best Beloved", "Passion."
Tuberose and Meadowsweet (1885)
Highlights: "Mystic Love VI," "Love at First Sight," "Defiance," "Farewell VI," "Piers Gaveston III."
In Fancy Dress (1886)
Highlights: "The World Well Lost XVII + XVIII," "Tantalus," "Friends and Lovers."
A parlour-room novel concerning male-female gender relations and a widow's hesitance to remarry.
A Willing Exile (1890)
A two-volume novel of a woman navigating gossip, propriety, and an extramarital affair while married to a disinterested male aesthete. Message me for photos of the first part and the text of the second.
Roses of Shadow (Jan 26, 1893)
A play in one act which debuted at The Athenaeum Hall at 73 Tottenham Court Road. Primarily a dialogue on vanity and society between a young dandy and a woman friend ten years older than him. She berates his lack of acccomplishments and tells him to marry; he returns with a proposal which she accepts.
"The Blackmailers" (Jun 7. 1894)
Co-written with his partner, John Gray. The play was first preformed with heavy edits that Gray and Raffalovich decried the next day. The full text is included in Lovesick: Modernist Plays of Same-Sex Love, 1894-1925 (2003). A partial preview of the book is available here. Message me for the text.
Most of Rafflovich's French work is available in JPG form at AAC, linked together on his Wikipedia page here.
A couple in friendlier formats:
L'uranismeinversion sexuelle congénitale (1895) in French.
Die Entwickelung der Homosexualität (1895) in German.
Uranism and Unisexuality (1896)
Includes the essay "L' Affair Oscar Wilde." Translated to English by Nancy Erber, 2015.
His other publications in English, although difficult to find, are:
It is Thyself (1889) - poetry
The Thread and the Path (1895) - poetry
A Sheaf of Memories (19??)
There is also:
An untitled (?) song contributed to John Gray's "Sour Grapes" (Apr 17, 1894) masque. Excerpt here.
A translation, alongside Clement Scott and Alfred Berlyn, of Armand Silvestre's "Love's Apotheosis."
"Silence is Best," a contribution to the magazine London Society, April 1887.