I love this world now only because thou art in it. I respect thee wholly—I respect myself—certain, too, of that coming time, however far away now, when no man shall ever meet any intelligent civilization's disrespect simply because he is similisexual, Uranian!
—Edward Prime-Stevenson,
Imre: A Memorandum (1906)

An absolute huge thanks goes to C, who allowed me to incorporate their collection of EPS works into this directory.
"The Legend of St. Pachomius" (Mar 30, 1882)
"Wooden Spite" (Jul 13, 1882) -- Short story.
"Miss Matchlock's Lucky Penny" (Aug 24, 1882) -- Short story. Also in Her Enemy (1913).
"When the Wreck Came Home: An English Christmas Story" (Dec 14, 1882)
"Recognition" (Sep 27, 1883) -- Poem.
"When Art Was Young: A Romance in Two Parts" (1883) -- Part 1. Part 2. Also expanded in Her Enemy (1913) as "Aquæ multae non."
"Remembrance" (Jul 10, 1884) -- Poem.
"A Question of Taste" (Aug 1884) -- Short story.
"Light Opera Singing as a Woman's Profession" (Jul 26, 1888)
"The Worcester Music Festival" (Oct 11, 1888)
"Music and Art: 'The Yeoman of the Guard'" (Oct 25, 1888) -- Vol 38, Iss 17, p458.
"Religion in Beethoven's Letters" (Nov 8, 1888) -- Vol 38, Iss 19. "Beethoven's Religion," a response in The Musical Visitor, Vol 17, Iss 12, p317.
"A Music-Library List for an Amateur" (Nov 15, 1888) -- Vol 30, Iss 20, p534. Alt link.
"Music: Various concerts, Moriz Rosenthal's debut, The Coming Opera Season" (Nov 22, 1888) -- Vol 38, Iss 21. Alt link.
"Music: Mr. Rosenthal's Recitals—The Second Symphony Society Concert—The Campanini Concerts—Current Announcements" (Nov 29, 1888) -- Vol 38, Iss 22, p. 622. Alt link.
"Music: Last Week's Important Occurrences—The Opening of the Opera Season" (Dec 6, 1888) -- Vol 38, Iss 23, P. 639.
"Music" (Dec 13, 1888) -- Vol 38, Iss 24, p.702.
"Music: Wagner's 'Siegfried.'—Brooklyn Philharmonic" (Dec 27, 1888) -- Vol 28, Iss 26, p.754. Alt link.
"Wagners 'Rhinegold' Produced" (Jan 10, 1889)
"Annual Performances of 'The Messiah'--Forthcoming Performances--An Englishman's Odd Views of Wagner" (Jan 3, 1889)
"The Mastersingers--Notes and Announcements" (Jan 7, 1889)
"Last Weeks Incidents--A New Vocal Society--The Annual Attack on Opera in German" (Jan 27, 1889)
"Sundry Concerts--Lehmann's Return" (Jan 31, 1889)
"The Von Bulow Recitals" (Apr 18, 1889)
"The 'Paris Version' of Wagner's 'Tannhauser' Produced--Symphonic and Other Entertainments" (Feb 7, 1889)
"Evening and Afternoon Concerts of Last Week--A New Tannhouser in the New 'Tannhauser'" (Feb 14, 1889)
"Music, aka Banner Quartet: Verdi's 'Aida,' etc." (Feb 28, 1889)
"Mme. Albani Heard Again in New York--Notes" (Mar 7, 1889)
"The Consecutive Performances of Wagner's Nibelungen Music-Dramas" (Mar 14, 1889)
"The Opera Season Ended" (Mar 28, 1889)
"Edward Grell's 'Missa Solemnis' Produced--Dr. Von Bulow's First Appearance--Notes" (Apr 4, 1889)
"The Von Bulow Beethoven Cyclus" (Apr 11, 1889)
"A Hearing of Ancient Music--Von Bulow's Farewell Orchestral Concert" (May 9, 1889)
"A Review of the Music Season" (May 16, 1889)
"Some Reflections on Church Music" (Jan 1, 1890)
"A Musical Retrospect: 1889" (Jan 16, 1890)
"Music: Peter Cornelius and his 'Barber of Bagdad'" (Feb 6, 1890)
"Only a Zither" (Mar 20, 1890)
"At the Beginning" (Mar 20, 1890)
"The Music Season of 1889-90" (Jun 12, 1890)
"Die Münchener" (Jan 1, 1891)
"Jules Breton's Story of Himself" (Feb 19, 1891)
"From an Old Newspaper" (Sep 26, 1891)
"The Book-Plate, and How to Make it" (Apr 30, 1892)
"Into the Dixville Notch" (Oct 8, 1892)
"The Cuckoo and the Sparrow: The Hungarian Millenial and its Significance" (Sep 19, 1896) -- The Outlook. Vol 54, Iss 12, pp. 504-506. Alt link.
"The Emperor of Austria" (Nov 3, 1900) -- The Outlook.
"Parsifal in New York" (Oct 1903) -- The Outlook.

- "Music" (Mar 28, 1895)
"Christmas in a Girls' School a Century Ago" (Dec 10, 1895) -- Harper's Round Table.
"A Psalm of Art" (Jan 1896) -- Poem. Harper's New Monthly.
"Mr. Sargent's Portrait of Miss Ada Rehan" (Mar 7, 1896) -- Vol 29, Iss 10, p187.
"Artian Sonnets: Barren Triumph" (Dec 1896) -- Poem. Illustrated by Will H. Bradley. Harper's New Monthly.
"Prey of the Gods" (Apr 1897) -- Short story. Harper's New Monthly. Alt link.
"The Child and Art" (Jul 17, 1897)
"Artian Sonnets: Immolation" (Dec 1897) -- Harper's New Monthly. Illus. Will H. Bradley.
"Four 'Nibelungen' Sonnets" (Jan 21, 1899) -- Illus. by Josef Hoffman.
"The Wagnerian Dragon" (Feb 11, 1899) -- Illus.
"A Musical-Reference Library" (Mar 4, 1899)
"A New Italian Composer" (Apr 15, 1899) -- Illus.
"Music: Another Side of the Profession" (Jul 1, 1899) -- Vol 32, Iss 26, p553.
"Tips of Travel" (Jul 8, 1899) - Vol 32, Iss 27, pp. 570-571..
"Sarah Bernhardt as 'Hamlet'" (Jul 29, 1899) -- with photograph.
"Tips of Travel: II. -- Clothes" (Aug 5, 1899) -- Vol 32, Iss 31, pp. 649-650.
"Tips of Travel: III. -- How to Know the Town" (Sep 2, 1889) -- Vol 32, p745
"When Jackson Bought a Violin" (Dec 29, 1899) -- Poem.
​"Fashion in Vienna" (Jan 26, 1901) -- Illus.

Illustration by Will H. Bradley
for "Barren Triumph" in Harper's New Monthly.
- "Artian Sonnets: Fate's Remedy" (Dec 1896) -- Poem. Illus. Will H. Bradley
"A Psalm of Art" (1896) -- Poem.
"Autumn Vows" (Oct 3, 1896)
"Music and Drama" (Jan 2, 1897)
"To a Certain Profession" (Jan 9, 1897) -- Poem.
"Music and Drama" (Jan 16, 1897)
"Music and Drama" (Jan 30, 1897)
"Siegfried" (Feb 6, 1897) -- Alt link. Also in Musical Courier (Feb 17, 1897) and Indianapolis News (Jan 25, 1899).
"Music and Drama" (Feb 13, 1897)
"Massennet's 'The Cid'" (Feb 27, 1897)
"Mr. Damrosch's Wagner Season" (Mar 27, 1897)
"The Serenade" (Apr 3, 1897)
"Music and Drama" (Apr 10, 1897)
"Music and Drama" (Apr 24, 1897)
"A National Hymm" (May 29, 1897)
"Music and Manners" (Jun 5, 1897)
"Music and Drama" (Jun 26, 1897)
- "An Overture" (1898)
"A Naval Diarist" (1898)
"Comic Opera Again" (1898)
"October Notes" (1898)
"Drama" (1898)
"The New York Orchestra" (1898)
"Concerts and Conductors" (1898)
"Music" (1898)
"Music" (1898)
"Music" (1898)
"1898 A Review" (1898)
"The Show" (1898) -- Poem. Also published in War-Time Echoes (1898) and Spanish-American War Songs (1898). Alt link.
"Passion Plays of Today" (Jul 7, 1900) -- Also in Richmond Times (Jul 15, 1900)

"The Great R. K. R. R." (Mar 21, 1882) -- Short story.
"Dogs of My Acquaintance" (May 2, 1882) -- Illus.
"Peter" (May 23, 1882) -- Illus.
"Captain Banner's Lynx" (Jun 13, 1882) -- Short story. Illus.
"Through the Tunnel" (Jul 1882) -- Short story. Also in Fifty-Two More Stories for Boys (c1892).
"Leo" (Aug 1882) -- Short story. Also in Fifty-Two More Stories for Boys (1893).
"Some Hints on Dog Teaching" (Oct 24, 1882) -- Illus.
"Mark Outrigger Meets with an Adventure" (Oct 31, 1882) -- Short story. Illus.
"The Voices of the Flowers" (Nov 7, 1882) -- Song. Illus. by J. Shepherd.
"The Revolt of the Holidays: A Christmas Gambol" (Nov 1882) -- Musical. Also in Harper's Book of Little Plays for Children (1910). Illus by Howard Pyle.
"The Elephant Keeper" (Dec 5, 1882) -- Short story. Illus. Also in The National Tribune (Dec 14, 1882).
"Rob: A Christmas Story" ( Dec 26, 1882) -- Short story. Illus.
"Concerning Wild Boars" (Jan 9, 1883) -- Illus.
"Mr. Barnum's Bright Barkers" (Mar 6, 1883) -- Illus.
"Another Visit to the Show" (Mar 13, 1883) -- Illus.
"A Decided Mistake" (Apr 17, 1883) -- Short story. Illus.
"A Cat and a Catch" (May 8, 1883)
"The King of the Monkeys" (Jul 17, 1883) -- Short story. Illus.
"Canadian Days" (Sep 11, 18, 25, 1883) -- Short story. Illus. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
"Three Paroquets" (Jan 15, 1884) -- Short story. Illus. Also in Her Enemy as "Liberty: A Fable."
"'A Cat May Look at a King'" (Mar 4, 1884) -- Short story. Illus. by Frederick Stuart Church. Also in the Santa Cruz Sentinel and Evening Sentinel (Nov 10, 1896) and in Her Enemy.
"Bettina Mazzi" (Apr 29, 1884) -- Poem. Also in The Colac Herald (Sep 5, 1884)
"Camp Melancholy" (Aug 1884) -- Short story. Illus.
"Vivian's Christmas Journey, and What He Saw During it" (Dec 1884) -- Illus. Part 1. Part 2.
"Ford Bonner Among the Gypsies" (Feb 24 & Mar 3, 1885) -- Short story. Part 1. Part 2. Illus. by W. A. Rogers.
"Dear Postmistress" (Jul 27, 1886) -- to Margaret Munson Sangster.
"The Sea-gull's Kiss" (Oct 16, 1888) -- Short story. Also in Her Enemies.
Unknown short story (Nov 6, 1888)
"'Bumble' the Sweep" (Feb 5, 1889) -- Short story.
"What a Girl Once Did" (Apr 2, 1889) -- Short story. Illus. by Henry François Farny. Also in The Capricornian (Aug 10, 1889).
"Lord Timothy Dexter" (Feb 24, 1891) -- Illus.
"Mr. Vogel" (Dec 13, 1892)
"Cyril Tyler" (Dec 27, 1892) -- with photograph.
"A 'Spinning Day' in an Old-Time School" (Jan 3, 1893)

"Glenn Wynthrop's 'Call': A Moral" (Jul 30, 1885) -- Short story
"A First Cardinal's Funeral" (Oct 22, 1885)
"Representative Roman Catholic Clergy" (1886) -- Vol 38, p. 4.
"At Bayreuth in 1889" (Sep 12, 1889)
"Every Inch a Mountain" (Feb 26, 1891)
"Music" (Feb 26, 1891)
"A Scientific Vengeance" (Sep 25, 1890) -- Short story. Also in Her Enemy (1913).
"Once: But Not Twice" (Oct 15, 1891) -- Also in Her Enemy (1913).
"Signor Carlo" (Feb 18, 1892) -- Poem.
"Easter" (Apr 14, 1892) -- Poem.
"Her Prescience" (Jun 30, 1892) -- Poem.
"Pastourelle" (Feb 16, 1893) -- Poem.
"Music" (Mar 23, 1893)
"Endurance" (Apr 1893) -- Poem. Also in Musical Courier (Apr 19, 1893).
"Music" (Apr 6, 1893)
"Music" (Apr 13, 1893)
"Music" (May 18, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2320, p19.
"Music" (May 25, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2321, p11.
"Music" (Jun 1, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2322, p15.
"Music" (Jun 8, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2323, p9.
"Music" (Jun 15, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2324, p9.
"Music" (Jun 22, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2325, p15.
"Music: A Short Review" (Jun 29, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2326, p9.
"Music" (Aug 31, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2335, p9.
"Music" (Sep 7, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2336, p9.
"Music" Sep 14, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2337, p9.
"Music" (Sep 21, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2338, p9.
"Music" (Sep 28, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2339, p9.
"Music" (Oct 5, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2340, p9.
"Passion Plays at Brixlegg and Erl" (Oct 8, 1893)
"Music" (Oct 12, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2341, p9.
"Music" (Oct 19, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2342, p9.
"Music" (Oct 26, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2343, p9.
"Music" (Nov 2, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2344, p11.
"Music" (Nov 9, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2345, p9.
"Music" (Nov 16, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2346, p9.
"Music" (Nov 23, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2347, p9.
"Music" (Nov 30, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2348, p9.
"Music" (Dec 7, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2349, p9.
"Music" (Dec 14, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2350, p9.
"Music" (Dec 28, 1893) -- Vol 45, Iss 2352, p9.
"Music" (Jan 4, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2353, p9.
"Music" (Jan 11, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2354, p9.
"Music" (Jan 18, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2355, p9.
"Music" (Jan 25, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2356, p9.
"Music" (Feb 1, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2357, p9.
"Music" (Feb 8, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2358, p9.
"Music" (Feb 15, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2359, p9.
"Music" (Feb 22, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2360, p9.
"Music" (Mar 1, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2361, p9.
"Music" (Mar 1, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2362, p9.
"The Minstrels: An Allegory" (Mar 8, 1894) -- Poem.
"Music" (Mar 8, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2362, p9.
"Music" (Mar 15, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2363, p9.
"Music: Vienna, Royal Opera. Dresden, Royal Opera. Paris, Opera. Paris, Opera Comique. Berlin, Royal Opera. Hamburg, City Theater. Leipzia, City Theater" (Mar 15, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2363, p9.
"Music" (Mar 22, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2364, p11.
"Music" (Apr 5, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2366, p8.
"Music" (Apr 12, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2367, p9.
"Music" (Apr 19, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2368, p9.
"Music" (Apr 26, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2369, p9.
"Music" (May 3, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2370, p9.
"Music" (May 10, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2371, p9.
"Music" (May 17, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2372, p9.
"Music" (May 24, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2373, p9.
"Music" (May 31, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2374, p9.
"Music: Annual Review" (Jun 7, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2375, p15.
"Sangerfest" (Jul 5, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2379, p5.
"Music" (Jul 26, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2382, p9.
"Music" (Aug 9, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2384, p9.
"Music" (Aug 23, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2386, p9.
"Music" (Aug 30, 1894)
"Music" (Sep 20, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2390, p9.
"Music: Parisian Music in September" (Oct 11, 1894) -- Vol 48, Iss 2393, p9.
​"Music" (Oct 18, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2394, p7.
​"Music" (Oct 25, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2395, p9.
"Music" (Nov 8, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2397, p15.
"Music" (Nov 15, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2398, p9.
"Music" (Nov 29, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2400, p9. Credited on p12.
"Music" (Dec 6, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2401, p9. Credited on p12.
"Music" (Dec 13, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2402, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (Dec 20, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2403, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (Dec 27, 1894) -- Vol 46, Iss 2404, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (Jan 3, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2405, p19. Uncredited.
"Music" (Jan 10, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2406, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (Jan 17, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2407, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (Jan 24, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2408, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (Jan 31, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2409, p8. Uncredited.
"Music" (Feb 7, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2410, p8. Uncredited.
"Music" (Feb 14, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2411, p8. Uncredited.
"Music" (Feb 21, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2412, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (Feb 28, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2413, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (Mar 7, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2414, p16. Uncredited.
"Music" (Mar 14, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2415, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (Mar 21, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2416, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (Mar 28, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2417, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (Apr 4, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2418, p27. Uncredited.
"Music" (Apr 11, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2419, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (Apr 18, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2420, p9. Uncredited.
"Old and Young. A Sunday's Sermon" (Apr 25, 1895) -- Poem.
"Music" (Apr 25, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2421, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (May 2, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2422, p13. Uncredited.
"Music" (May 9, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2423, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (May 16, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2424, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (May 23, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2425, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (Sep 5, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2440, p16.
"Music" (Sep 12, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2441, p14.
"Music" (Sep 19, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2442, p8.
"Music" (Sep 26, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2443, p8.
"Music" (Oct 3, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2444, p9.
"Music" (Oct 10, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2445, p13.
'Music" (Oct 17, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2446, p8.
"Music" (Oct 24, 1895)
"Music" (Oct 31, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2448, p8.
"A Fairy Story--This is True" (Nov 7, 1895) -- Short story.
"Music" (Nov 7, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2449, p13. Uncredited.
"Music" (Nov 14, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2450, p9.
"Music" (Nov 21, 1895)
"Music" (Nov 28, 1895)
"Music" (Dec 5, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2453, p11.
"Music" (Dec 12, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2454, p9.
"Music" (Dec 19, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2455, p10.
"Music" (Dec 26, 1895) -- Vol 47, Iss 2456, p9.
"Music" (Jan 2, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2457, p19.
"Music" (Jan 9, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2458, p9.
"Music" (Jan 23, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2460, p8.
"Music" (Jan 30, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2461, p9.
"Music" (Feb 6, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2462, p13.
"Music" (Feb 13, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2463, p9.
"Music" (Feb 20, 1896)
"Music" (Feb 27, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2465, p11.
"Music" (Mar 5, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2466, p19.
"Music" (Mar 12, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2467, p8.
"Music" (Mar 19, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2468, p9.
"Music" (Mar 26, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2469, p9.
"Music" (Apr 2, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2470, p11.
"Music" (Apr 9, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2471, p9.
"Music" (Apr 16, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2472, p9.
"Music" (Apr 23, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2473, p9.
"Music" (Apr 30, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2474, p9.
"Music: The Coming Bayreuth Festival" (May 7, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2475, p16.
"Music" (May 14, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2476, p8.
"Music" (May 21, 1896)
"Music: New Operas Abroad" (May 28, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2478, p9.
"Music" (Jun 4, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2479, p17.
"Music: In Paris; June-July, 1896" (Jul 23, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2486, p17.
"Music: Autumn Concerts--Notes" (Sep 10, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2493, p19.
"Music: Promenade Concerts--The Worcester (Mass.) Festival of 1896" (Sep 17, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2494, p15.
"Music: A Table of Errors: Notes" (Sep 24, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2495, p16.
"Music: An Orchestra's Biography" (Oct 1, 1896)
"Music: The Decline of the Symphony--Notes" (Oct 8, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2497, p16.
"Music: Katharina Klafsky--Notes" (Oct 15, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2498, p16.
"Music: 1896-'97: The Local Concert Season. Anton Bruckner" (Oct 22, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2499, p8.
"Music: Further Musical Announcements" (Oct 29, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2500, p7.
"Music: What is in an Orchestra?--Italian Opera" (Nov 5, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2501, p8.
"Music: Columbia University's Music Department" (Nov 12, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2502, p7.
"Music: Ten Days" (Nov 19, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2503, p12.
"Music: Affairs of a Week" (Nov 26, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2504, p11.
"Music: Church-Music: and a Guild of Organists" (Dec 3, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2505, p13.
"Music: Current Events" (Dec 10, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2506, p13.
"Music: The Course of Things" (Dec 17, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2507, p13.
"Music: The Military Concert-Band" (Dec 24, 1896) -- Vol 48, Iss 2508, p17.
"Music: Two Choral Concerts—'Siegfried'" (Jan 7, 1897)
"Music: The Right to Hiss" (Jan 14, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2511, p15.
"Music: Teresa Carreno--Lilli Lehmann" (Jan 21, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2512, p7.
"Music: The New--Which is the Old" (Jan 28, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 1513, 16.
"Music: Franz Schubert: 1797-1828" (Feb 4, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 1514, 16.
"Music: Various Events: Notes" (Feb 11, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2515, p16.
"Music: Concerning Musical Wages" (Feb 18, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 1516, p8.
"Music: Massenet's 'The Cid'" (Feb 25, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 1517, p8.
"Music: Odds and Ends" (Mar 4, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 1518, p19.
"Music" (Mar 11, 1897) - Vol 49, Iss 2519, p11.
"Music: Wagner at the Metropolitan" (Mar 18, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2520, p10.
"Music: 'My Country, 'Tis of Thee'" (Mar 25, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2521, p14.
"Music: Wagnerian Notes" (Apr 1, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2522, p11
"Music: Scharwenka's 'Mataswintha'" (Apr 8, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2523, p11.
"Music: Johannes Brahms: 1833-1897" (Apr 15, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2524, p10.
"Music: Incidents and Comments" (Apr 22, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2525, p17.
"Music: Our 'National' Songs. I" (Apr 29, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2526, p19.
"Music: Our 'National' Songs. II" (May 6, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2527, p19.
"Music: Our 'National' Songs. III" (May 13, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2528, p11.
"Music: Our 'National' Songs. IV" (May 20, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2529, p9.
"Music: Our 'National' Songs. V" (May 27, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2530, p7.
"Music: Our 'National' Songs. VI" (Jun 3, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2531, p12.
"Music: Picture and Score: an Analogy I." (Jun 17, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2533, p11.
"Music: Picture and Score: an Analogy II." (Jun 24, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2534, p7.
"Music: The People's Singing Classes in New York" (Aug 12, 1897)
"As the Century Ends" (Sep 2, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2544, p9. Excerpt in Werner's Magazine.
"Music: The Music Teachers' National Association" (Sep 2, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2544, p9.
"Music: The Music Teachers' National Association" (Sep 30, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2548, p8.
"Music: The Short, Dull Summer" (Oct 7, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2549, p11.
"Music: 'The Human Voice Divine' I." (Oct 14, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2550, 9p.
"Music: "The Human Voice Divine' II." (Oct 21, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2551, 8p.
"Music: The Coming Concert Season" (Oct 28, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2552, 15p.
"Music: Mme. Sembrich; The 'Banda Rossa'; Coming Concerts" (Nov 4, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2553, p8.
"Music: A New Factor in Our Concert Seasons" (Nov 11, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2554, p16.
"Music: How Orchestral Music is 'Scored'" (Nov 18, 1897)
"Music: 'Score and Parts'" (Nov 25, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2556, p9.
"Music: Recent Concerts" (Dec 2, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2557, p8.
"Music: Gounod's 'The Redemption'" (Dec 9, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2558, p9.
"Music: How does a Composer make Money?" (Dec 16, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2559, p9.
"Music: 'Thus Spake Zarathustra'" (Dec 23, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2560, 18p.
"Music: The Conductor's Share" (Dec 30, 1897) -- Vol 49, Iss 2561, p8.
"Music: The Claque" (Jan 13, 1898) -- Vol 50, Iss 2563, p8.
"Music: Recent Concerts" (Jan 20, 1898) -- Vol 50, Iss 2564, p9.
"Music: Musical Reading" (Jan 27, 1898) --Vol 50, Iss 2565, p8.
"Music: Mr. Damrosch and Mr. Ellis as Impresarios" (Feb 3, 1898) -- Vol 50, Iss 2566, p11.
"Music: The Kneisel Quartet" (Feb 10, 1898) -- Vol 50, Iss 2567, p9.
"Music: Wanted--A New Orchestra" (Feb 24, 1898) -- Vol 50, Iss 2569, p9. Uncredited.
"Music: The Chicago Orchestra" (Mar 10, 1898) -- Vol 50, Iss 2571, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (Mar 24, 1898) -- Vol 50, Iss 2573, p9. Uncredited.
"Music" (Apr 7, 1898) -- Vol 50, Iss 2575, p11. Uncredited.
"Music" (Apr 14, 1898) -- Vol 50, Iss 2576, p9. Uncredited.
"Music: The Oratorio Society's Jubilee: "'St. Christopher'" (Apr 21, 1898) -- Vol 50, Iss 2577, p9. Uncredited.
"Music: The Season of 1897-'98: A Review'" (Apr 28, 1898) -- Vol 50, Iss 2578, p8. Uncredited.
"Music: How Does the Professional Musical Performer Make a Living?'" (May 12, 1898) -- Vol 50, Iss 2580, p8. Uncredited.
"Music'" (May 26, 1898) -- Vol 50, Iss 2582, p9. Uncredited.
"Music: The Violin for Children'" (June 9, 1898) -- Vol 50, Iss 2584, p8. Uncredited.
"Music: Current Notes'" (June 23, 1898) -- Vol 50, Iss 2586, p8. Uncredited.
"But Why is All Opera an Imperfect Form of Music?" (July 7, 1898)
"A Music Season: 1898-'99" (Oct 27, 1898) -- Alt link.
"Of 'Cyrano de Bergerac" (Nov 3, 1898) -- Alt link.
"Max Alvary" (Nov 17, 1898) -- Alt link.
"Into Spain, with Verdi's 'Trovatore'" (Dec 8, 1898) -- Alt link.
"Nineteen Years of Music" (Jan 12, 1899) -- Alt link.
"Speaking-Actors and Singing-Actors" (Jan 26, 1899) -- Alt link.
"Emil Saurer: and Modern Painism" (Feb 9, 1899) -- Alt link.
"Opera and Musical Education" (May 18, 1899) -- Alt link.
"Francisque Sarcey" (Jun 8, 1899) -- Alt link.
"Johann Strauss" (Jun 29, 1899) -- Excerpt published in Masters in Music v.3 1904. Alt link.
"Musical London" (Jul 27, 1899) -- Alt link.
"Victor Cherbuliez" (Aug 17, 1899) -- Alt link.
"Bayreuth Wagner Theatre Performances, 1899" (Aug 31, 1899) -- Alt link.
"A Georgian Oberammergau" (Oct 19, 1899) -- Alt link.
"Frederick Chopin" (Oct 26, 1899) -- Alt link. Expanded in Long-Haired Iopas (1927).
"Wagner as Fabulist and Realist" (Feb 22, 1900) -- Alt link.
"A New 'Oberon'" (Jun 28, 1900) -- Alt link.
"A Marriage for--Love?" (Aug 16, 1900) -- with photographs. Alt link.
"A Wedding in Belgrad" (Sep 13, 1900) -- with photograph. Alt link.
"Third-Class--to Ober Ammergau" (Oct 4, 1900) -- Alt link.
"A Music Maker's Treasures" (Jan 24, 1901) -- Alt link.
"Verdi as a Letter-Writer" (Apr 18, 1901) -- Alt link.
"An Italian Brigand of To-day​" (Aug 8, 1901)
"King of Bohemia" (Aug 29, 1901) -- with photograph. Also in Omaha Daily Bee as "Royal Fetes in Bohemia" (Aug 9. 1901).
"Kossuth: (1802-1902)" (Oct 16, 1901) -- Alt link.
"A Day in Austrian Poland" (Aug 14, 1902) -- Alt link.
"Goldmark's New Opera 'Gotz Von Berlichingen'" (Mar 12, 1903) -- Alt link.
"The Political Crisis in Hungary, 1903" (Jul 30, 1903) -- Alt link.
"Parsifal in New York?" (Dec 17, 1903) -- Alt link. Accompanying article, "Objections to Parsifal"
"Passion-Plays at Brixxleg and Erl" (Oct 8, 1903)
"The Most Interesting Historical Play in Europe" (Oct 6, 1904) -- Alt link.
"A Little Owl of Florence" (Sep 28, 1905) -- Alt link.
"New York--The Sham Musical City?" (June 21, 1906) -- Alt link. "Music in New York" response by Henry T. Finck
"Music and the Arts" (Dec 3, 1908) -- A "Words of Appreciation" letter for the 60th Anniversary of The Independent
"A Book List for Small Libraries" (Dec 14, 1911) -- Alt link.

Illustration by Frederick Stuart Church for "A Cat May Look at a King" in Harper's Young People.
- "Dickens. What Should We Think of Him To-day? — Mr. Gissing's Study and the New Gadshill Edition" (May 14, 1898, NYT)
"Balzac in English. The George Saintsbury Edition in Popular Form" (Jun. 25, 1898, NYT)
"A GERMAN HELLENIST. Poetical and Prose Writings of Friedrich Hoelderlin, the Shelley of the Fatherland" (Feb. 25, 1899, NYT) (English Translation of "Greichanland" poem here, pg 51).
"SAINT-SIMON. Miss Wormeley's Translation in Four Beautiful Volumes" (May 6, 1899, NYT)
"PEPYS AND HIS DIARY. Completion of the Wheatley Edition Containing New Matter" (Apr. 28, 1900, NYT)
"SCHILLER. His Unfinished 'Demetrius' Again Completed" (Aug. 4, 1900, NYT)
"VILLAGE LIBRARIES. Mr. E. Irenaeus Stevenson Offers Suggestions on How to Conduct Them" (Aug 16, 1902, NYT)
"Opera Repertory Suggestions" (Mar 12, 1939, NYT)
"Of a Beethoven Score: The Terzetto, Opus 116" (Sep 8, 1940, NYT)

"Mrs. Gallup Entertains a Friend at Tea" (Dec 1882) -- Short story. Lippincott Magazine. Also in Her Enemy (1913).
"The Black Ring" -- Short story. Godey's Lady's Book and Magazine. Also in Her Enemy.
"A Last Philharmonic" (Jun 28, 1883) -- Poem. Life Magazine.
"Professor Jovanny's Funeral" (Jul 1883) -- Short story. The Manhattan. Also in Her Enemy (1913).
"Exultation" (Oct 1883) -- Poem. The Manhattan.
"Amiability: A Philosophical Tragedy" (Oct 1883) -- Short story. The Atlantic Monthly. Also in Her Enemy (1913) as "Amiability: A Conversational Tragedy."
"Four Primes" (Jul 1886) in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record.
"Via Crucis" (Apr 1887) -- Short story. The Atlantic Monthly. Also in Her Enemies (1913) as "A Prisoner Passes"
"Fourteen" (Jul 1887) -- Poem. Cassell's Family Magazine.
"A Great Patience" (Jul 1887) -- Short story. Scribner's Magazine. Also in Her Enemies (1913).
"The Story of the Sea Serpent from 151 BC to 1887" (Aug 1888) -- Illus. St. Nicholas.
"The Wolf's Mouth" (Jul 1889) -- Short story. Illus. Cassell's Family Magazine.
"Favorite Novels of American Novelists" (Aug 1889) -- Belford's Magazine.
"The Universal Advisory Committee: A Proposal" (Jan 1890) -- Cassell's Family Magazine
"Christmas Botany" (Dec 1890) -- Poem. Illus. Life Magazine. Also in Bulletin of Pharmacy (Jan 1891).
"An Anglomaniac" (Feb 1891) -- Poem. The Century Magazine.
"Musician vs Player" (Mar 1891) -- Etude Magazine.
"Kate Moore's Wedding Trip" (Mar 1891) -- Short story. Illus. by Edward Frederick Brewtnall. Cassell's Family Magazine. Also in Her Enemy (1913) as "Kate Dwyer."
"The Story of An Old American Town: Castine, Maine" (Apr 1891) -- Excerpt in the Magazine of American History.
"To Women Not Dumb" (Jul 1891) -- The North American Review.
"Criticism Criticised" (Dec 12, 1892) -- The North American Review.
"The Players: Music in New York, Past, Present, and to Come" (Feb 1, 1893) -- Kate Field's Washington.
"Bettina Mazzi" (Apr 1890) -- Poem. The Magazine of Poetry.
"'The Players' Music in New York: Past, Present, and Future" (Feb 1, 1893) -- Kate Field's Washington
"College Theatricals--As We Have Them" (Apr 1894) -- The North American Review.
"A Last Look" (1895) -- Atlantic Monthly. Also in the Musical Courier (Dec 25, 1895).
"A Prospectus of New York's Musical Season, 1895-96" (Nov 23, 1895) -- Outlook, Vol 52, Iss 21, p853
"Thematic and Other Significances in Gounod's 'Faust'" (Mar-Apr 1896) -- Music: A Monthly Magazine. Part 1. Part 2.
"Weed and Flower: An Art Theory" (Sep 1896) -- The Looker-on. Also in Her Enemy.
The Conductor's Share: The Independent" (May 1898) -- Current Literature: New York, Vol 23, Iss 5, p440.
"Will American Composition Ever Possess A Distinctive Accent?" (May 1899) -- Etude magazine.
"A Reading Journey Through France: Across Touraine" (Apr 1900) -- with photographs. The Chataquan.
"A Reading Journey Through France: In Normandy" (May 1900) -- with photographs. The Chataquan.
"A Reading Journey Through France: Around Brittany" Jun 1900) -- with photographs. The Chataquan.

Also known as E. Irenaeus Stevenson, Xavier Mayne, and Robert Antrobus. He added "Prime" to his name after receiving an inheritance in 1899 (Music Lovers' Encyclopedia 1919). Born in Madison, New Jersey, and of French and Scottish ancestry. He went to school at The Freehold Institute, NJ, and became Solicitor of Bar of NJ, though he did not practice by 1911 (Who's Who, 1912). Primarily he worked as a critic and lecturer of literature, music, drama.
In 1899 he conducted "The Relation of Music to the Dramatic in History, Fiction, and the Literary Theatre, with Dramatic Illustrations," a trilogy of musical-literary performances in London, Paris, and New York. As part of the performances, he performed or read extracts in at least three languages from different sources of theatre (Jul. 23, 1899, NYT).
He put his weekly Harper's column on hold in June and traveled with Henry Harkness Flagler through Europe for four months in 1889, visiting Switzerland, Germany, and Austria for leisure, health, and musical study (Harpers Weekly, Jun 24, 1889, & The Musical Courier, Jun 12, 1889, Jul 3, 1889, Sep 4, 1889, & Oct 16, 1889). In particular, they attended the Bayreuth Festival (The Musical Courier, Aug 14, 1889)
He traveled often and lived between several countries until 1900 (Who's Who, 1903), when his health began to deteriorate, and he lived in Vienna (Music Lovers' Encyclopedia 1919) with frequent trips to the US (Biographical Dictionary of America 1906). His addresses were listed as JS Morgan and Co., 22 Old Broad Street, London, E.C, (Who's Who, 1903-1911), Care of the Fifth Avenue Bank, New York City in the US (Who's Who, 1912), Care of Morgan Grenfell & Co., Paris, France (American Catholic Who's Who, 1931).
He was the staff editor of The Independent, NYC and spent 10 years at Harpers and Brothers, where he founded the Music Department of Harper's Weekly.
his bookplate is rly cool (Princeton's Notabilia)
Biographical Notes
Published Work
The Golden Moon (Mar-Apr 1885)
A young adult novella about keeping secrets from one's parents. A group of boys attempt to obtain a sunken treasure after a ghost reveals its existence to them. Published in the Christian Union. Also known as The Fire Brand Secret.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7.
A young adult novel of the Jacobite/Forty-Five Rebellion. Reprinted as Boyd of Windelstrae. His devotion to Prince Charlie and White Cockades, etc. (1892). Originally intended to be a play (The Critic)
Janus (1889)
Reprinted in 1896 as A Matter of Temperament. About music's impact on morality and the weakness of the artistic temperament. Concerns German musicians and features composer Giacomo Meyerbeer. Review.
Young adult novel of the romantic friendship between two teen boys and their journey through blackmail and disaster.
Mystically My Heart: Two Poems (1893)
"Pastorelle" and "Endurance"​
As Robert Antrobus. Although only originally credited for the "Editor's Preface," Prime-Stevenson later work, Her Enemies (1913), cites that he is the author of Square of Sevens. Laurence Hutton also states that the divination system and book is "entirely his [Prime Stevenson's] own" (Harper's, Mar 1897).
Those Restless Pilgrimages (1896)
Contains two travel articles: 'Autumn Vows' and 'A Little Owl of Florence'
Mrs. Dee's Encore; or, You Will Will You? (1896)
Serialized in Harper's Bazaar. Also known by its protagonist's name. About Sylvester Sard, a music teacher, and his social circle of artists, hypnotists, and other contemporaries.
Chapter I & II / Chapter III / Chapter IV / Chapter IV Cont. & V / Chapter V Cont. / Chapter VI / Chapter VI Cont & VII / Chapter VIII / Chapter IX & X
Imre: A Memorandum (1906)
[More Info] As Xavier Mayne. A Queer experience novel of love and vulnerability as a character study of isolated Hungarian solider Imre von N. by his lover, Oswald, a displaced noble.
[More Info] As Xavier Mayne. A study, history, and defense of homosexuality and other sexualities. Also contains The Life and Diary of an Uranian Poet: August von Platen (1796-1835).
[More Info] Twenty-eight short stories, several queer.
Dramatic Stories to Read Aloud (1925)
Five Stories Selected from Her Enemy (1925)
Chosen because "represent the more serious and elaborate stories...they are withdrawn, and put together here, for a special purpose." They are: "Weed and Flower, An Art-Theory," "Unbidden" [another dream-story], "A Prisoner Passes," "Elek's Religion," and "Sunrise-Water."
Long-Haired Iopas: Old Chapters from Twenty-Five Years of Music Criticism (1927)
[More Info] Forty-two essays on musicology. Discussion and outline in Ghosts in the Archives: The Queer Knowledge and Public Musicology of Vernon Lee, Rosa Newmarch, and Edward Prime-Stevenson (2018) by Kristin Franseen.
A Repertory of One Hundred Symphonic Programmes (1932)
Subtitled "For Public Auditions of the Orthophonic Phonograph-Gramophone: With a Prefatory on Programme-Making and Conducting."
Misc. Contributions:
"Madam Clerc" (1890) -- Vignettes: Real and Ideal: Stories from American Authors. Ed. Frederic Edward McKay, Published by Boston: DeWolfe, Fiske & Co. Collection originally titled A Round Dozen.
"Denman Thompson, and Our Rural Life Drama" (1896) -- Famous American Actors of To-Day
"(A Man's) Preface" -- The Evolution of Woman (1896) by Harry Whitney McVickar
"Il Trovatore" (1898) -- Il trovatore: An Opera in Four Acts (1898)
"Lucia di Lammermoor" (1898) -- Lucia di Lammermoor, The Bride of Lammermoor: Opera in Three Acts (1898).
"The National Schools: Five Essays" (1919) -- Music Lovers Encyclopedia. Italian, German, French, English, & Russian Music.
"Rossini" and "Meyerbeer" (1919) -- Music Lovers Encyclopedia
In addition, he was the co-editor for the 30-volume Library of the World's Best Literature of 1896-1897 and the assistant editor and translator for the 1897-1898 set published by Warner.
The Lethean Waltzes (1876)
Alciphron and Clelia: A Narrative Poem (c1932; mentioned in One Hundred Symphonic Programmes)
Charles Brockden Brown: A Pioneer in American Romance (c1911)
"En Suisse, 1907: Impressions Nouvelles et Vielles"
Fifteen Plain Musical Talks (c1905)
Into the Sun -- Novelette. Presumed lost. Final chapter is "Out of the Sun" in Her Enemies.
La Casa: un Racconto (c1911) -- In Italian. Also titled under La Casaccia: un Racconto.
Metrical translations from some of the French Masters of Drama (Racine, Molière, and others)
The Parting Guest: A Romantic Drama (c1931)
Red William's Wood
Sebastien au Plus Bel Age -- in French. An excerpt is in "Out of the Sun" in Her Enemies.
Some Men, and Women, and Music (c1903) A collection of 12 sketches.
Toutes les Eaux: Et Autres Nouvelles (c1931)
Un Tout Petit Carnet Suisse (c1911) -- in French. Also titled under Un Tout Calepin Suisse)