Select Primary & Secondary Sources
An Annotated Bibliography of Homosexuality (1976) Vern L. Bullough
Lesbian Decadence: Representations in Art and Literature of Fin-de-Siècle France (2016) Nicole G. Albert, Nancy Erber, William A. Peniston
Gay Berlin: Birthplace of a Modern Identity (2015) Robert Beachy
Homosexuality in Italian Literature, Society, and Culture, 1789-1919 (2017) Elisa Bianco, Lorenzo Benadusi, Paola Guazzo, Paolo Bernardini
Encyclopedia of Homosexuality: Volume II (2016) Wayne R. Dynes
Sexual Inversion (1915) Havelock Ellis
Die Freundesliebe in der deutshen Literatur (1931) Hans Dietrich Hellbac
- The Homosexuality of Men and Women (1920) Magnus Hirschfeld
Die Konträre Sexualempfindung (1899) Albert Moll
A History of Homosexuality in Europe: Berlin, London, Paris, 1919-1939, Volume I & II (2006) Florence Tamagne
Damned Women: Lesbians in French Novel (2000) Jennifer R. Waelti-Walters
The Seduction of the Mediterranean : Writing, Art and Homosexual Fantasy (1993) Robert Aldrich
Queer Identities and Politics in Germany: A History, 1880–1945 (2016) Clayton J. Whisnant
Reconsidering the Emergence of the Gay Novel in English and German (2016) James P. Wilper
Adam (1939) Marcel Achard. Paris : Les oeuvres libres
The Prisoners of War (1925) J. R. Ackerley. London : Chatto and Windus
More Info: WWI Plays
Freundinnen: Ein Roman [unter Fraeun] (1923) Maximiliane Ackers. Berlin: Paul Steegemann Verlang. Written 1923
"Girlfriends: A Novel [about Women]." A queer theatre group in Berlin. Read Now: Archive / Ngiyaw eBooks
Tit for Tat and Other Tales (1972) Harold Acton. London : Hamish Hamilton
"La mésaventure" in La Revue indépendante (1888) Paul Adam
Read Now: Wikisource
"L’Assaut malicieux" in Revue Blanche (May 15, 1895) Paul Adam.
A defense of Oscar Wilde with a drawing by Lautrec. Read Now: Google (page 458)
Девятое термидора / The Ninth Thermidor (1923) Mark A. Aldanov. / New York : Knopf (1926)
A novel of the Jacobin overthrow and the death of their leader Robespierre, from the point of view of a young Russian. The first of the "The Thinker" tetralogy. Read Now: Archive
Pater Antonio: Novelle d. Freundesliebe (1929) Alex Alexander. Berlin : Phoebus. 36pp
Pity for Women (1937) Helen Anderson. Garden City, NY : Doubleday
Reviewed in the NYT. A working class woman driven mad by misogynist society and partially by her female lover.
"Hands" in Winesburg, Ohio (1919) Sherwood Anderson. New York : Huebsch
After touching the shoulders and heads of his students, a man is wrongly accused of seducing a young boy and is kicked out of town. Read Now: USF
"The Man Who Became a Woman" in Horses and Men: Tales, Long and Short, from our American Life (1923) Sherwood Anderson. New York : B. W. Huebsch
Messieurs ces Dames (1912) Paul Andre and Henri Sebille. Paris : Albin Michel
Briefe eines einsamen Kämpfers, Roman (1913) Anonymous or Ewald Alienus?. Leipzig: Xenien-Verlag
Der Abfall vom Weibe: Studie (1901) Anonymous?. Dresden & Leipzig. 161pp.
Satan conduit le bal: Roman Pamphlétique & philosophique des mœurs du temps (1925) ed Georges Anquetil. Agnce Parisienne de Distribution.
A satire of political and social debauchery. More Info: Harvard
One Thousand and One Nights/Arabian Nights "The Tale of the Third Kalendar" "The Story of the Redreddin-Hassar" "The Story of Hammerezzaman"
Pénombre (1913) Henri d' Argenson. Messein
Gomorrhe (1889) Henri d' Argenson. En depot ches Charles
More Info: MTS
Sodome (1888) Henri d' Argenson. Alphose Piaget
More Info & Read Now: MTS
Starborn (1938) Arion. Paris : Obelisk
More Info: MTS
The Green Hat: A Romance for a Few People (1924) Micheal Arlen. New York: George H. Doran. 350pp.
These Charming People (1924) Micheal Arlen. New York: George H. Doran.
Subtilted "Being a Tapestry of the Fortunes, Follies, Adventures, Gallantries and General Activities of Shelmerdene (that Lovely Lady), Lord Tarlyon, Mr. Michael Wagstaffe, Mr. Ralph Wyndham Trevor and Some Others of Their Friends of the Lighter Sort." A series of short stories. Read Now: Archive, Google
Le Monsier aux chrysanthèmes, piece en trois actes (1908) Carle Dauriac as Armory. Paris : Librarie Moliere. Three-act play.
Title references La Dame aux Camellias (1848) Alexandre Dumas. Translated in Lovesick: Modernist Plays of Same-Sex Love, 1984-1925 (2003) Laurence Senelick. Contact me for text.
La nuit sur mytilène (1901) Philippe d' Arschot. Jean Crès
Introduction by Mario Meunier. Sappho and Phaon.
דער גאט פון נקמה: א דראמע אין 3 אקטען / Goṭ fun neḳome a drame in dray aḳṭe (1907) Sholem Asch
Broome Stages (1931) Winifred Ashton. Garden City : Double Day, Doran. 703pp.
A novel of Richard Broome, playwright of The Late Lancashire Witches (1634), and his descendants--each of them committed to theatre by a witch's curse.
They Winter Abroad (1932) T. H. White as James Aston. New York : Viking & London : Chatto & Windus
Set in a hotel resort. Read Now: Gutenberg.
The Rich Young Man: A Comedy with Digressions (1929) Gladys Mary Attenborough. New York: Fred A. Stokes. 312pp
Read Now: Hathitrust
Rubi, Eine Novelle von Aurelius (1879) Carl Robert Egell as Aurelius. Berlin : R. Gensch & Leipzig : Otto & Kadler
Read Now: Google
Aus eines Mannes Mädchenjahren (1907) Karl M. Baer as N. O. Body
A memoir of an intersex person raised initially as a boy and then as a girl. Read Now: Archive (German)
Young Man with a Horn (1938) Dorothy Baker. Boston : Houghton-Mifflin. Jazz
Inspired by Jazz musician Bix Beiderbecke. Read Now: Archive
"Dreary" in Americans Abroad (1932) Wambly Bald. The Hague, Holland : Servire Press
Die Mutter (1891) Hermann Bahr
Le Folie Erotique (1893) Benjamin Ball. Paris : Bailliere et fils
Féminisé (1922) Jacques de Bandol. Paris : Librairie Artistique
Détraquée (1922) Jacques de Bandol. Paris : Librairie Artistique
More Info & Excerpt: Bibliocuriosa (NSFW)
Folie de Luxure: Étude des Vices Modernes (1897) Jacques de Bandol. Paris : Librairie Artistique
More Info & Excerpt: Bibliocuriosa
Excentriske Noveller (1885) Herman Joachim Bang. Micahel Valerlandsloser
"Fratelli Bedini" in Amiscus 5 (?) Herman Joachim Bang. Hamburg : Ed. R. Ptziger
Haabløse Slægter (1880) Herman Joachim Bang
Mikaël, De uden Fædreland (1904) Herman Joachim Bang. Berlin : Fischer
Les Diaboliques (1874) Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly. London and Paris : Lutetian Bibliophiles Society. 2 vols
Read Now: Archive (Alt) (French), Archive Vol 1 (English, 1900), Google Vol 1 (English, 1900) Vol 2 (English, 1900), Google (English, 1924), Gutenberg (French)
L'Enfer (1908) Henri Barbusse. London : Joynes and Steele
Schoolgirl (1929) Carman Dee Barnes. New York : Liveright
An account of an American boarding school by a sixteen year old girl which accounts lesbianism.
"Dusie" in American Esoterica (1927) Djuna Barnes. New York : Macy-Masius. 299pp. 3000 copies.
Ladies Almanack (1928) Djuna Barnes. Paris : Impremeries Darantiere at Dijon. 1050 copies.
A collection of drawings, short stories, poems, and essays. Read Now: Maxima Library
Nightwood (1936) Djuna Barnes. London : Faber and Faber. 239pp.
Le Culte du Moi (1891) Maurice Barrès. 7 Mille Paris : Chappentier Perrin. 296pp.
Der Mensch in der Geschichte: zur Begründung einer psychologischen Weltanschauung (1860) Adolt Bastian. Leipzig : Wigard.
Glorious Apollo: A Novel of Lord Byron (1925) E. Barrington. New York : Dodd, Mead
Zwischenfall in Lohwinckel (1930) Vicki Baum
Results of an Accident in the UK and And Life Goes On in the US (tr. Margaret Goldsmith, 1931). After a car accident, a heterosexual film star named Lania is stuck in a small German town under the care of a lesbian woman, to whom she recounts stories of other lesbians she knows. Read Now: Archive (Alt) (English)
Erde: Ein Roman (1912) Johannes Becker. Berlin : Backmaier.
Apparently pp49-54 has the gay part.
Jadwiga. Gedichte in elf Gesängen (1863) Karl Beck. Leipzig : Grunow
Read Now: Google (German)
La Maschera di Bruto: Dramma in Versi in Quattro Atti (1908) Sem Benelli
The assassination of Alessandro by Lorenzino de Medici. Read Now: Google
For Love of Women (1923) Francois Beerie. New York: Assoc. Pub. Co. 33pp.
According to the Sioux City Journal (Jan 7, 1924) the author, Florence Beerie, a 26 year old women who lectured on "The Psychology of the Intermediate Sex" was forced to withdraw her "flagrantly obscene" book.
Youth in Hell (1930) Albert Bein. New York : Jonathan Cape and Harrison Smith. 234pp.
Autobiographical fiction set in a reformatory. Read Now: Archive, Hathitrust
Les Compagnons de la Belle (1938) Rene Belbenoit. Paris : Editions de France
Memoir of an escaped convict initially imprisoned in French Guiana for theft. His account was first published by Blair Niles (author of Strange Brother) as Condemned to Devil's Island: The Biography of an Unknown Convict (1930). In English as Dry Guillotine: Fifteen Years Among the Living Dead. Read Now: Archive (English)
The Hamwood Papers of the Ladies of Llangollen and Caroline Hamilton (1930) Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah Ponsonby, ed G. H. Bell. London : Macmillan & Co.
More Info: Ladies of Langollen by Janeite Kelly, British Museum. Also see: The Ladies of Llangollen: A Study in Romantic Friendship (1973) on Archive.
La Bouche de Madame X*** (1882) Adolphe Belot.
Read Now: Hathitrust (French), Archive (French)
Mademoiselle Giraud, ma Femme (1870) Adolphe Belot.
Read Now: Archive (English), Hathitrust (French), Hathitrust (English, with preface by Emile Zola)
Sapho: pièce en cinq actes (1893) Adolphe Belot. Paris : Charpentier
Adaptation of the novel by Alphonse Daudet. Read Now: Archive (English), Hathitrust (French), Hathitrust (English), Google (English)
De muy buena familia: comedia en tres actos y en prosa (1931) Jacinto Benavente. Hernando
A boy from a good family performs sexual favors for another boy in exchange for money.
El Rival de su Mujer (1933) Jacinto Benevente
A woman falls in love with the male lover of her husband.
Elsie and the Child: And Other Stories (1924) Arnold Bennet. New York: George H. Doran
The Pretty Lady: A Novel (19198) Arnold Bennet. New York: George H. Doran
A novel of social isolation and how it can be shared between sex workers and returned soldiers. Read Now: Google
Mademoiselle de La Ferté (1923) Pierre Benoît. Paris : Albin Michel. 319pp.
After her husband abandons her, Galswinthe falls ill and returns to the Landes and is cared to by Anne, sparking their love. Read Now: Google
Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton, B.A.. Of Trinity College, Cambridge (1886) Arthur Benson as Christopher Carr. London : Kegan
David Blaize (1916) E. F. Benson. London : Hodder and Stoughton
Autobiographical fiction of a boys school and of the titular David's love for his roommate Frank--mirroring Benson's experience towards Vincent Yorke. Its sequel is David Blaize and the Blue Door (1918) Illus. H. J. Ford. More Info: Steve Bamlett. Read Now: Archive, Gutenberg
The Freaks of Mayfair (1916) E. F. Benson. New York : George Doran. 233pp. Illus. George Plank
A collection of short stories each featuring a strange protagonist. "Aunt Georgie," an account of an effeminate unmarried man--or trans woman--shows the basis of Benson's character Georgie Pillson in Queen Lucia (1920). Read Now: Gutenberg
Goslings: A World of Women (1913) John Davis Beresford. New York : Macaulay
Mademoiselle de La Ferté (1923) Pierre Benoît. Paris : Albin Michel. 319pp.
After her husband abandons her, Galswinthe falls ill and returns to the Landes and is cared to by Anne, sparking their love. Read Now: Google
Aus dem Tagebuch eines Homosexuellen (1908) Heinrich Berhard. Stattgart : Berhardt. Memoir.
Der halbe Mensch: Die Tragödie des dritten Geschlechts (1907) Claire Bernhardt. Dresden : L. Diegmann
Le démon impur: roman (1926) Maurice Betz. Emile-Paul Freres
Incestuous love of a father for his son?
Jena oder Sedan? (1903) Franz Adam Beyerlein. Berlin: Vita
Prinz Kuckuck: Lehen, Taten, Meinungen und Höllenfahrt eines Wollüstlings (1907) Otto Julius Bierbaum
(TW: Suicide) Two friends, Karl and Henry, visit London to visit the Green Carnation Club, then migrate to Italy to visit Naples and Capri. Karl friend falls in love with young man of 19, who he asks to kill Henry; the young man sleeps with Henry instead. Karl throws Henry off a cliff to kill him, then later commits suicide himself. Read Now: Gutenberg (German)
Stilpe: ein Roman aus der Froschperspektive (1897) Otto Julius Bierbaum. Berlin : Schuster & Loeffler
Corruption (1939) Gustave Binet-Valmer. Paris :
Le Gamin Tendre (1901) Gustave Binet-Valmer. Paris : Mecure de France. Illus. by Édouard Touraine. 19 copies?
Lucien (1910) Gustave Binet-Valmer. Paris : Ollendorf
An artistic, androgynous gay son contrasted with a coddling mother and a stern, distant, and medically-minded father to whom he must rationalize his sexuality to. Eventually he leaves to Italy with another gay man. Famous for Marcel Proust's hatred of the book. More Info: culture-et-debats
"Ein Stummungsmensch" in Der Tag (Apr 1897) Lisa Weise as E. Liss-Blanc
Die Greschlechter de Menschen (1901) A. Bob. Leipzig : Lotus
Mademoiselle Giraud, ma femme (1870) Adolphe Belot
After an unsuccessful hunt for the perfect wife, Adrien marries Paule Giraud against her wish and the advice of Countess Berthe, Paule's lover. Adrien plots with the Countess' husband to win their wives out of the affair. English preface by Emile Zola. More Info: Muse. Read Now: Google (English, 1891) (Alt, 1892), Hathitrust (English) Hathitrust (French),
La Femme crucifiée: Le vertige des sens (1914 or 1923) Sylvain Bonmariage. Paris : Éditions du Roman Nouveau or Jean Fort. Cover by G. Nick.
Bob d'Argeant debauche (1911) Alexander Bonnel. Paris : Daragon
Charlot s'amuse (1883) Paul Bonnetain. Paris : Henry Kistemaeckers
(TW: Alcoholism, child abuse, suicide, contemplation of rape) A novel of a compulsive masturbator, sent to a Catholic order and school where homosexuality pervades, graduates into the army, and attempts a disastrous marriage which ends in his suicide. Read Now: Gallica (French)
L'opium (1885) Paul Bonnetain. Paris : G. Charpentier
A semi-autobiographical novel of a poet, sick with the pain of life, relying on opium in Hanoi. Preface by Alphonse Daudet. Read now: Gallica (French), Google (French), Hathitrust (French)
Mère et Fils (1893) Le Bordelais. Paris : Montagny et Beaudoin
Das l'retiel eines Unbefangenen (1904) Jules Borel. Berlin
Madame Putiphar/Le Lyncanthrope (1839) Petrus Borel. Paris : Ollivier. 2 vols
Carlotta Noll, amoureuse et femme de lettres (1905) Marc-Antoine Borie as Daniel Borys. Paris : Albin Michel
Seems to be about a lesbian who relates love to a hunt; she goes mad in the end. More Info: Mercure de France (French, Vol 55, pg 254-255)
La Fleur des pois, comédie en 4 actes (1932) Édouard Bourdet. Paris : Stock
Title is a phrase meaning "an elegant person." Seems to be about an automobile dealer who takes on invented personalities in social salons to support his business. Both of these personalities--including the "Duke"--are gay tropes. More Info: Régie Théâtrale, Le Monde
La Prisonnière (1926) Édouard Bourdet
Le Crépuscule des dieux (1884) Elémir Bourges. Paris : Stock
(TW: Incest) aka Twilight of the Gods and Chains of Destiny. A foundational work of Aesthetic literature. Named after Richard Wagner's Götterdämmerung. Charles d'Este, exiled to Paris after Prussians invaded his German home, lives in luxury with his sister--his near-identical doppelganger--whom he has an incestuous relationship with. Read Now: Archive (French, 1901 New Edition), Archive (French, 1912 3rd Edition) Gutenberg (French)
Friends and Relations (1931) Elizabeth Bowen. London : Constable
The Hotel (1928) Elizabeth Bowen. New York : Dial
Although sent to a hotel to find a husband, the shy protagonist finds herself in love with a sophisticated woman.
The Bridegroom's Body in The Crazy Hunter (1938) Kay Boyle. New York : Harcourt
One of three short novels in the book. Lady Glourie manages the declining family estate while her husband drinks his health away. Surrounded by icons of fertility and masculine ferocity, she works independent of both until her Irish maid declares her love for her in the conclusion. More Info: Taylor & Francis
"In Defense of Homosexuality" (1925) Kay Boyle.
Published in The New Review (April 1932?). Read Now: Archive (English, page 14)
Monday Night (1938) Kay Boyle. New York : Harcourt
Wilt, a selfish American expatriate who lives in Paris, seeks content for his novel in the character of Bernie, a young American visiting Paris to see his hero. Together they seek the truth behind the toxicologist Sylvestre, whose testimony has sealed multiple murder cases. There is a brief lesbian affair featured. More Info: eNotes, NYT (July 31, 19338)
My Next Bride (1934) Kay Boyle
(TW: Suicide) An American expat's coming of age in Paris after her beloved companion, and older woman, commits suicide. Autobiographical. In the artist's scene, she becomes enraptured by a male artist and his wife.
"Your Body is a Jewel Box" in White Horses of Vienna and Other Stories (1936) Kay Boyle. New York : Harcourt
(TW: Institutionalization) The contrast between two sisters--one, considered mentally ill, who believes she is no longer a girl and the other who, considered healthy, pursues relationships with multiple men. Read Now: Electric Lit
American Colony (1929) Charles Brackett. New York : Boni & Liveright
A married couple on vacation in France and the sexual affairs surrounding them--including the gay Sydney and the the selfish bi hustler Cliff.
Inseln des Eros (1905) Adolf Brand
Poems, several originally published in Der Eigene. Edited by Edwin Bab and Illustrated by Paul Casberg. Read Now: Staatsbibliotek zu Berlin (German)
Sappho: ein Lebensbild aus den Frühlingstagen altgriechischer Dichtung (1905) Paul Brandt. Leipzig : Rottbarth
Also See: Hathitrust (English, a bibliography of Sappho books). Read Now: Google (German), Hathitrust (German)
Die Freundin (1921) Max Braunstein. Breslau : Rekord
Written by a woman writer under a pseudonym. Generally noted as proof of the 20's standard that "girlfriend" was used in lesbian circles.
Baal (1922) Bertolt Brecht
Die Dreigroschenoper (1928) Bertolt Brecht
Adapted from on John Gay's The Beggar's Opera translated by Elisabeth Haptmann. The criminal Macheath marries a girl against the wishes of her father, who attempts to have Macheath hanged but is rebuffed by the chief of police, Macheath's homoerotic arm friend. Read Now: Archive (Alt) (English), Archive (German)
Leben Eduards des Zweiten von England (1924) Bertolt Brecht
aka Edward II and The Life of Edward II of England. Adapted from Marlowe's Edward II. A biopic play of the titular king and his favorite, Piers Gaveston. More Info: NY Theatre Wire. Read Now: Archive (English)
Im Dickicht der Städte: der Kampf zweier Männer in der Riesenstadt Chicago (1924) Bertolt Brecht
Die Wandlung der Susanne Dasseldorf (1932) Josef Breitbach. Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag : Berlin. 598pp.
Revised and republished as Rival et rivale (1945), revised again but unfinished and published in 2006. Post-war fallout in Koblenz where Susanne attempts to recoup her family while Americans occupy their property and her brother works as a journalist. She and her brother's male secretary fall in love with the same man; eventually she quits her affections and becomes friends with the secretary, also discussing his homosexuality.
Clemens Brentanos Liebesleben: Eine Ansicht (1921) Lujo Brentano. Frankfurt : FVA
A collections of letters, poems, and an unfinished novel by Lugo's great-uncle. One of the poems found at Zeno. Read Now: Hathitrust (German)
Europa: The Days of Ignorance (1935) Robbert Briffault. New York : Scribners
A philosophical novel of Julian Bern whose female love is married off to a gay Russian man. As was Briffault's wont, it contains long discussions concerning sex and its culture: marriage, homosexuality, expression, virginity, and so on. Read Now: Archive (English)
Queer Patterns (1935) Lilyan Brock. New York : Greenberg
(TW: Suicide, Murder) Actress Sheila, and director Nicoli struggle to put their careers before their love--they part under the force of gossip, reunite through the help and sacrifice of Sheila's nurse, and are parted when Sheila is strangled by a male ex-lover.
The Rains Came: A Novel of Modern India (1937) Louis Bromefield. New York : Harper & Bros
A love web interrupted by an earthquake, flood, and cholera outbreak. A pair of lesbian missionaries appear briefly; one is killed in the flood. Read Now: Archive (English)
Vatermord (1920) Arnolt Bronnen. Berlin : Fischer
A play of a tyrannical father, an incestous mother, and their homosexual son.
Later Than You Think (1938) Gawen Brownrigg. New York : Knopf
Novel of a confident racecar driver and his affair with a woman. The team manager of the racing team is a gay man attracted to the uninterested driver.
Star Against Star (1935) Gawn Brownrigg. Paris : The Obelisk Press. 329pp.
A girl introduced to lesbianism by her mother and a school friend, and who struggles to accept her sexuality.
Die Verbrecher (1929) F. Bruckner. Berlin
A play with commentary on criminality and justice among several complicated affairs of love, murder, and blackmail. One of the characters, Frank, is gay, constantly under threat of blackmail, and in love with a boy who is busy with his crush on Frank's mother. Translated to English in Two Plays of Weimar Germany (2018) tr. Laurence Senelick. More Info: Complete-Review
Krankheit der Jugend (1926) Ferdinand Buckner
(TW: Suicide, Murder) aka Pains of Youth. A group of disillusioned students in Vienna cope with their despair through sex, drugs, and crime. One of the failed affairs is between two women.
Vier Novellen (1888) Heinrich Bulthaupt. Dresden : Pierson
Contains the novellas "Ganymed," "Narcissus," "Das Heiligenbildchen," and "Die schwebenden Gärten der Semiramis."
The Sun in Splendour (1926) Thomas Burke. New York: Doran
A novel of London and its inhabitants.
Twinkletoes (1918) Thomas Burke. New York : McBride
(TW: Pedophilia) A London-based novel of a poor 15 year old girl dancer. The married 29 year old Chuck falls in love with her, although he states it is not sexual, and Twinks also falls in love with him. Not queer? Read Now: Google (English)
"The Pash" in East of Mansion House (1926) Thomas Burke
A poor factory girl becomes infatuated with an older rich woman. A man gets in the way by courting Amy?
Female Convict: The Harrowing Inside Story of a Women's Prison (1934) Vincent G. Burns. New York : Macaulay
Account of a women's prisons, its abuses and cases of lesbianism, as recounted by a female inmate to the author.
Entertaining the Islanders (1933) Struthers Burt. New York : Scribner
L'Automa: romanzo biografico (1892) Enrico Butti. Milan : Gall
A male protagonist's observational fantasies of two women depicted as lesbians with vampiric traits. Read Now: Archive (Italian), Google (Italian), Hathitrust (Italian)
Armed with Madness (1928) Mary Butts. New York : Boni
Modernization and reinterpretation of a Holy Grail quest with a group of Bohemians. The author had several lesbian affairs and befriended several gay male authors.
Serenade (1937) James M. Cain. New York : Knopf. 188pp.
A professional male opera singer loses his voice after having a crisis of sexual identity when wooed by a male impresario. He flees to Mexico, opens a brother with a female prostitute, and regains his voice after falling in love with her--they then confront the impresario together. Read Now: Archive (Alt) (Alt) (English)
The Deemster: A Romance (1888) Hall Caine. Chatto & Windus. 3 vols.
An epic of crime and absolution set on 18th century Isle of Man. Read Now: Archive (English)
She's All the World to Me (1894) Hall Caine
The base text that The Deemster was revised and expanded from. Read Now: Gutenberg (English)
Beyond the Street (1934) Edgar Calmer. New York : Harcourt Brace
The lives of students and teachers of a New York high school, several queer. One character is a teacher in an awkward love triangle: he loves a straight student who loves a female teacher who loves the gay teacher. Another is a student pianist in love with another boy three years his junior; he confides his unreturned affections in a straight yet sexually tolerant boy.
Mémoires de Canler: ancien chef du service de sureté (1882) Louis Canler. Paris : F. Roy. 2 vols.
aka Memoirs of a Veteran Detective: Being the Reminiscences of Canler, Sometime Chief of the Detective Police of Paris. Originally published in abbreviated form in 1862. A chapter discusses cruisers, blackmailers, and others in the gay community. Read Now: Gallica - Volume 1 (French), Gallica - Volume 2 (French), Google (1863, English) Google - Volume 1 (French), Google - Volume 2 (French), LoC (English, tr. Col. H. Pelham Curtis)
Jésus-la-Caille (1914) Francis Carco. Paris : Mercure de France
Novel set in the 1910s and the Montmartre district of Paris. Although named after a gay sex worker, the novel focuses most on the heterosexual woman and fellow sex worker, Fernande. More Info: Chaslaborde
L'amour Venal (1927) Francis Carco. Albin Michel
Les Hommes en Cage (1936) Francis Carco. Albin Michel
Les Malheurs de Fernande (1918) Francis Carco. Paris : L'Edition
Sequel of Jésus-la-Caille. In 1920, it was combined with its prequel in one revised volume by Ronald Davis & Cie. This combined edition was released by Berkley as Frenzy (1960, tr. Lowell Blair).
Perversité (1925) Francis Carco. New York : Covici
The Berkley edition (1956) was translated by Jean Rhys yet credited to Ford Madox Ford. More Info: LA Review of Books
Norma Trist: A Story of the Inversion of the Sexes (1895) J. W. Carhart
Cover at UBC.
Desirable Young Men (1933) Patrick Carleton. New York : Dutton. 308pp.
Described as "an odd variation of the Dorian Gray motif" with "slightly Mephistophelian" protagonist by the NYT (1/15/1933). Cambridge undergrad Fulk Pearson attempts to transform the unremarkable Jasper Brownlove into an artist and actor yet inadvertently drives him into ruin.
Memoirs (1938) G. J. Casanova de Sengalt
Les Amants de Lesbos (1900) Prosper Castanier. L. Borel. Illustrated by F. Schmidt
"Paul's Case" in The Troll Garden (1905) Willa Sibert Cather
Read Now: Archive (English), Google (English), Gutenberg (English), Wikisource (English)
Journey to the End of Night (1934) Louis Ferdinand Celine. Boston : Little, Brown
Le Prophete Androgyne (1929) Jehan Cendrieux. Saigon : Editions d'Extreme-Asie
Charles-Etienne // and Nortal Albert
P'in-hau-pao-chien (1856) Ch'en Sen-shou / tr Pierre Klossowsk, Paris : J,. J. Pauvert, 1962
Amour Inverti (1901) J. de Cherveix. L. Chaubard. Illustrated by Gaston Smit.
Follows several protagonists, including a man visiting the Gros Ventre Native Americans, a cafe singer, and a thief. More Info & Excerpt: BiblioCuriosa
Julie, on j'ai sauve ma rose (1882) Felicite de Choiseul-Meuse. Privately printed
aka Julie (1970, tr. Dorothy Albertyn). A fictional memoir of a Julie, taught to preserve her virginity at all costs, and her loves. She initially sees another woman, Caroline, as a rival for men's affections, but later falls in love with her and joins her secret society of lesbians, thereby preserving her virginity. Read Now: Google (French)
Tete d'or (1919) Paul Claudel. Yale University Press
A three act play in free verse. Catholicism, existentialism, and the worship-like bond between two men. Revised 1894, adding a scene in the first act where Simon addresses a great tree. The English version by Yale University Press (1919) tr. John Strong Newberry is of the revised text. Read Now: Google (English), Gutenberg (English), Hathitrust (English). More Info: Paul Claudel Society (French)
Dew in April (1935) Henry Bertram Law Webb as John Clayton. New York : Kendall and Sharp
Set in the 13th century Convent of St. Lazarus of the Butterflies. The abbess hosts a homoerotic relationship with other nuns, and they all move through strife as the protagonist finds a male lover. Read Now: Hathitrust (English)
The Turning Wheels (1937) Stuary Cloette. Boston : Houghton-Mifflin. 434pp. South African frontier
Fabrizio Lupo (?) Carlo Coccioli. Mexico : Compania General de Ediciones. 417. Tr Aurelio Garzon
Fabrizio's Books (1936) Carlo Coccioli. New York : Shorecrest, Inc. 406pp. Tr Bernard Frechtman
Les Enfants Terribles (1930) Jean Cocteau. Paris : Brewer & Nassen. / Children of the Game (1955) London : Havrill
Chez les Mauvais Garçons (1937) Michel du Coglay. Paris : Raoul Saillard
Seems to be a non-fictional account of Paris' queer scene. It also details Magic-City's drag balls.
Sous le col bleu. Roman d'après les notes vécues d'un matelot (1937) Michel Du Coglay. Paris : Raoul Saillard
Biographical novel which includes a scene where the sailor protagonist is seduced by another man.
Claudine series (1900-1903, 1922) Colette as Willy
Autobiographical series in five installments. Claudine's headmistress has an affair with a female teacher and male doctor, and Claudine later develops a relationship with another woman while being married. Read Now: Archive (English, Vols 1-4)
Claudine à l’école (1900). Read Now: Archive (French), Archive (Alt) (English)
Claudine à Paris (1901). Read Now: Archive (Alt) (French), Archive (English)
Claudine en ménage (1902). Read Now: Google (French), Archive (Alt) (English)
Claudine s’en va (1903). Read Now: Archive (French), Archive (Alt) (English)
La Maison de Claudine (1922). Read Now: Archive (French)
The Worm (1927) Desmond Cope. London : Chapman & Hall
One of Coke's several schoolboy stories. Not sure what sets this one apart from them.
Sodom und Gomorrha (1908) Karl Colbert. Berlin
Boy (1895-6) Luis Coloma.
English? version edited by Myron B. Delly and published by New York : Bruce. Read Now: Archive (Spanish), National Library of Spain (Alt) (Spanish), Textos (Spanish) / Play Version: Archive (Spanish), National Library of Spain (Spanish)
De berg van licht (1905-6) Louis Couperus.
aka Mountain of Light
De komedianten (1926) Louis Couperus.
Heliogabal (1916) Louis Couperus. Frankfurt : Verlag der Literarischen Anstalt Rutten & Loening
aka Elagabalus
Play Parade (1933) Noel Coward. New York : Garden City Pub
To Step Aside (1939) Noel Coward. New York : Doubleday
Present Indicative, an Autobiography (1937) Noel Coward. New York : Doubleday Doran
Either is Love (1937) Elizabeth Craigin. New York : Harcourt Brace. 155pp.
After the death of her husband, a woman reviews the letters from her lesbian affair.
More Info: MSVU
Forever (1936) Mildred Crannach. New York : Knopf. 60pp.
Night in the Hotel (1931) Eliot Crawshay-Williams. New York : Livright, London : Gollancz
A glance at the romantic conflicts and lives of disparate guests of a hotel. Two of them are lesbians.
Verlorene Söhne: aus der Fremdenlegion (1906) Wilhelm Cremer. Berlin : Ledermann.
A Grain of Sand (1913) John Cromwell. London : Peter Owen Ltd. 216pp.
Luca Moore--Drei Lieben (1939) Archibald Joseph Cronin. Vienna : Zsolnay
Him (1927) E. E. Cummings. New York : Liveright. Play
Regiment of Women (1917) Clemence Dane. New York : Macmillan
Le chemin mort (1909) Lucien Alphonse Daudet. Paris : Flammarion
Vom neuen Weibe und seiner Liebe: ein Buch für reife Geister (1901) Elisabeth Dauthendey. Berlin : Schuster & Loeffler. 120pp.
A German woman falls in love with another woman while visiting Italy. Read Now: Google (German), Hathitrust (German)
Of Lena Geyer (1936) Marcia (Gluck) Davenport. New York : Scriber's Sons.
Le Roy (1898) Albert Delacour. Mercure de France
Diana Stair (1932) Floyd Dell. New York : Farrar
On the River Amour (1929) Joseph Delteil. New York : Covici, Friede. 214pp. Tr Samuel Putnam
"Le Jardinier de la Pompadour" in Mer d Fr (Nov/Dec 1903, Jan/Feb 1904) Eugen Demolder. About Louix VX
Seven Gothic Tales (1939) Isak Dinesen. New York : Harrison Smith & Robert Hans. 508pp.
Ist es Notig? (June 1903) Diogenes. Berlin
Sara Alelia (1930) Hildur Dixelius. Munich : Biederstein.
Janet and her dear Phoebe (1909) Clarissa B. Dixon. New York : Stokes
Tagebuchblätter aus dem Leben eines unglücklichen: Ein psychologischer Roman (1914) Antonius Donatus. Leipzig : Spohr. 140pp.
Loveliest of Friends (1931) Sheila Donisthorpe. London : Old Royalty Book Pub. 262pp.
"Nyelochka Nyezvanov" in The Friend of the Family (1920) Feodor Mikhilovich Dostoyevsky. London : Heinemann, New York : Macmillan
South Wind (1925) Norman Douglas. New York: Boni & Liveright. 447pp.
Together (1931) Norman Drahn. New York: Robert McBride. 255pp. Travel memoirs.
Marigras Madness (1934) Davis Dresser. New York : Godwin
The Island of Beautiful Things (1912) Will Allen Dromgoole. Boston : Page
Les Invertis (1896) Armand Dubarry. Paris
Le femme d'affaires (1890) J. J. Dubut de la Forest. Paris : Dentu
Mlle. Tantale (1897) J. J. Dubut de la Forest. Paris : Dupont
Sind es Frauen? (1903) Aimee Duc. Berlin : Eckstein
The Thibaults (1939) Roger Martin Du Gard. New York : Literary Guild. 871pp. Tr Stuart Gilbert.
My Life (1927) Isadore Duncan. New York: Boni and Liverlight
Monsier, or, The Prince of Darkness (1924) L. Durrell. London : Faber
Dr. Angelo (1924) Erich Ebermayer. Leipzig : Oldenburg.
Dreieck des Gluckes. Buhnenmanuskript (1932) Erich Ebermayer. Berlin : Oesterheld
The Great Gulf (1932) Erich Ebermayer. New York : D. Appleton & Co. 280pp. Tr Morgan Fisher
Jurgen Ried oder Die tiefe Kluft (1931) Erich Ebermayer. Vienna : Zyolnay
Kampf um Oldlilienberg (1929) Erich Ebermayer. Vienna : Zyolnay
Kasper Hauser Dramatische Legend (1927) Erich Ebermayer. Schauspiel von Leipzig
Sieg des Lebens (1925) Erich Ebermayer. Leipzig : Oldenburg
Der Kaiser Hadrian (1881) George Mority Ebers. Stuttgart : Hallberger. / The Emperor, A Romance (1891) New York : Gottaberger
Georges Eekhoud
Tagebuch einer Erzieherin: Roman (1904) Maria Eichhorn as Dolorosa
A sadomasochistic novel following the loves of Kamilla Kramm, including two women. Read Now: Ngiyaw
Im Fruhlingsgarten (1903) Ein Erosjunger. Berlin
"Glucklose Liebe" in Intime Geshichten (1907) Anne von der. Eken. Berlin : Metropol-Verlag
The Holland Wolves (1902) John Breckenridge. Chicago : McClurg
Les ephebes. La Revue san titre (1924)
Der Pastor (1926) Lisa Es. Berlin
L'Elu (1930) Achille Essebac. Paris :Ambert
Luc (1902) Achille Essebac. Paris : Ambert
Shadows Flying (1936) John Evans. New York : Knopf
Alraune (1929) Hanns Heinz Ewers. New York : John Day
Intimate Acrobatics (1927) Lord Stiles Doland Fairchild. New York : McBride
Camp Volant (1937) Andre Farigneau. Gallimard
La Grace humaine (1938) Andre Farigneau. Gallimard
L'irresistible (1935) Andre Farigneau. Gallimard
Val de Grace (1930) Andre Farigneau. Edition de Carrefour
The Recruiting Officer (1926) George Farqhar. London : Peter Davies. Play
Calico Shoes (1934) James T. Farrell. New York : Vanguard. Short stories, esp "Just Boys" and "Casual Incident"
Devoted Ladies (1934) M. J. Farrell. Boston : Little Brown
La Derniere Journee de Sappho (1901) Gabriel Faure. Paris : Mecure de France
La Nouvelle Sodom (1903) Edmond Fazy. Paris : Edition Moderne. Set in Turkish Constantinople
Les Civilises (1908) Claude Ferrere. Paris : Ollendorf. About Indo-China
La Danseur aux Caresses (1906) Jacques d'Adelsward Fersen. Paris : Vanier
Et le feu s'eteignany sur la mer (?) Jacques d'Adelsward Fersen. Paris : Messrin, Edition de la Revue "Akademos"
Une Jeunesse, Le Basier de Narcisse (1907) Jacques d'Adelsward Fersen. Paris :Anier
La Comtesse de Chalis (1871) Ernest Feydeau. Paris : Michel Levy
Caprice (1917) Ronald Firbank. London : Duckworth. 96pp.
Concerning the Eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli (1926) Ronald Firbank. London : Grant Richards
"Inclinations" in Three Novels (1916) Ronald Firbank. London : Duckworth
The Princess Zoubaroff (1920) Ronald Firbank
Valmouth (1919) Ronald Firbank. London : Duckworth. 127pp.
Amorous Tales / Bawdy Tales (1848) Agnolo Firenzoula. Florence : Bianchi. esp "Two Friends" and "The Amorous Slave"
I Am Today (1931) Marjorie Firminger. Paris
The Nun-Ensign (1908) James Fitzmaurice-Kelly. London : Fisher Unwin
The First Temptation of Saint Anthony (1932) Gustave Flauvert. Privately Printed for Rarity Press. 231 pp. Tr Rene Frances
Salammbo (1862) Gustave Flaubert. Paris
Der Fall Krupp und der Caprese (1903) A. T. Fleischmann. Munich : Self Published. Memoir.
"Krupp in Essen und auf Capri" in P. Gunther. Homosexualitat in ethisch-religioser Beleuchtung unter Bezugnahme auf das Wirken des Herrn. A. Fleischmann (1903) A. T. Fleischmann. Munich : Ascona. Memoir.
Vita Homosexualis (1903) A. T. Fleischmann. Leipzig : Besser. Memoir.
The Little Brother (1902) Josiah Flynt. New York : The Century. 254pp.
Chinese Gordon (1884) Archibald Forbes. New York : John B. Alden. 215pp. Memoir.
L'amour marin (1900) Paul Forts. Paris : Sociéte du Mercure de France
Strange Marriage (1934) Gerald Foster. New York : William Godwin
Musk, Hashish and Bloog (1900) Hector France. London & Paris : Private Printing, Falstaff Press. 447pp.
Thiss und Peter/Tor der Freundschaft (1929) Hans Franck. Leipzig : Haessel.
In Eigener Sache (1904) August Adolt Friedrich. Strassburg : Singer
Ungewohnliche Liebesgeschichten (1906) August Adolf Friedrich. Berlin : Hugo Schildberger
Claire (1903) Hanns Fuchs. Berlin : Barsdorf
Eine Reisebekanntschaft (1903) Hanns Fuchs. Berlin :
Richard Wagner und die Homosexualität (1903) Hanns Fuchs. Berlin : H. Barsdorf
Eros zwischen euch und uns (1909) Hanns Fuchs. Berlin : Echstein
An officer struggling to accept himself and have others accept him. He falls in love with another man after being introduced to a queer circle by a fellow officer, but he marries his love's sister and dies of a resulting nervous breakdown.
Geqitternacht (1903) Hanns Fuchs. Berlin :
Das Plauderstundchen (1903) Hanns Fuchs. Berlin :
Memoirs (1852) Margaret Fuller. Boston: Phillips Sampson. 2 vols
Simoun (1939) Henry Furst. Paris : Editions La Bourdonnais
L'amout chez le Degeneres (1905) Gallus. Paris : Librarie Reuner
Der bittere Weg (19198) Eugen Ludwig Gattermann. Berlin : Wende
Die Erlosung der Freund (1920) Eugen Ludwig Gattermann. Berlin : Johndorff
Die Geheimnisse der Berliner Passage (1877) Berlin :
Ganymedes (1902) Karil Wilhelm Geissler. Lepzig : Max Spohr
"Armer Junge!" in Der Eigen (1898) Hanns Heinz Ewers
A soldier in love with his heterosexual friend; ends in suicide.
Algabal (1892) Stefan George
Roman emperor Elagabalus builds a temple to a hermaphroditic god as part of his desire to give birth to a child. Read Now: Zeno (German)
Das Jahr der Seele (1897) Stefan George
Der Sierbente Ring (1907) Stefan George
La boheme canaille (1931) Michel George-Michel. Paris : Baudiniere
The Establishment of Madame Anotnia (1932) Leyla Georgia. New York : Liveright
Saul (1922) Andre Gide. Paris: Editions de la Nouvelle Revue Francaise.
The Journals of Andre Gide, 1889-1949 (1947-1951) tr with intro and notes Justine O'Brien. New York : Knopf. 4 vols. Vintage (1959) 2 vols
La bete de Luxure (1896) Aime Giron and Tozza Albert. Paris : Ambert
Classes 22 (1929) Ernest Glaeser. Attinger
Le Dernier Civil (1937) Ernst Glaeser. Paris : Bernard Grasset
Transport (1929) Isa Glenn. New York : Knopf
Konradin retet (1930) Otto Gmelin. Leipzig : Reclam
Black Narcussus (1939) Rumer Godden. Boston : Little Bown. 294pp.
Schlingpflanzen (1908) Irma Goeringer. Leipzig : R. Piper & Co
Das Reich ohne Raum (1919) Bruno Goetz. Zurich : Origo
"Nude Mood and One Good Turn" in Madame Sex (1932) Isaac Goldberg. New York : Panurge
La Fasutin (1882) Edouard Goncourt. Paris : Charpentier
The English Convict (1915) C. Goring. London : Darling & Son. Abridged.
Schlingpflanzen (1909) Irma Goringer. Munich : R . Piper & Cie
Terrain Vague (1934) Andre Goudin. Raoul Saillard.
Yvette ou l'institutrice pervertie (1908) Maire la Goule. New York
"Le Song d'une Femme" in Mer d Fr (Oct/Nov 1899) Remy de Gourmont
Schulerjahre (1921) Oscar Maria Graf. Berlin : Malik
Queer People (1930) Carroll and Garrett Graham. New York : Vanguard Press. 276pp.
Whitey (1931) Carroll and Garrett Graham. New York : Vanguard Press. 274pp.
Astarte (Feb 1901) Louis de Gramont. Opera in 4 acts and 5 scenes.
"But it still goes on" in But it still goes on (1931) Robert Graves. New York : Cape & Smith
Sapho (1925) Franz Grillparzer. Paris : Editions Montaigne. Play
Knaben (1913) Eugen Guglia. Berlin :
La pudeur de Sodome (1888) Gustave Guiches. Maison Quantin.
A Florida Enchantment (1891) A. C. Gunter. New York : Hurst
"Das Lied von der Freundschaft" in Deutsche Rundschau (Dec 1923) Paul Gurk
Les miettes du banquet (1928) Pierre Guyolot-Dubasty as Axieros. Paris : La Renaissance du Livre. Short stories.
Platoniquement (1924) Pierre Guyolot-Dubasty as Axieros. Paris : Figuiere
Les solitudes inquiètes (1926) Pierre Guyolot-Dubasty as Axieros. Paris : Editions Revue Aujourd'hui
Adam and Two Eves (1934) Edith Gyorgy. New York : Macaulay
Radclyffe Hall
Entrechtet! Eine apologie (1906) Pater Hamecher
Subtitled "nebst einer gedichtfolge, 'Von der stillen fahrt', und einem anhange, 'Gedichte eines toten'." Read Now: Google (German), Hathitrust (German)
Zwischen den Geschlechtern (1901) Peter Hamecher
Die Novellen der Freundschaft (1919) ed. Pater Hamecher
Subtitled "Lukian, Tausendundeine Nacht, Gesta Romanorum, Boccaccio, Alt-Italienische Novellen, Montaigne, Hölderlin, Jean Paul, Ludwig Tieck, Achim von Arnim, Honoré de Balzac und Hermann Bang," listing the authors and stories contained in the collection. Read Now: Hathitrust (German)
Savage Civilization (1937) T. Harrison. London : Gollancz
Sohn (1913/1914) Walter Hasenclever
"Les Croix-de-Mai a Seville" in Mer d Fr (Oct 1, 1906) Hasse
"The Ride of the Valkyries" in Grim Youth (1930) John Held, Jr. New York : Vanguard
"Dear Spiegel" in Freistatt 44 (1902) Ludwig Heller
L'enfante-maitre (1920) Henry-Marx. Editions Clarte
Le gloire interieure (1914) Henry-Marx. Bernard Grasset
Les heures ferventes (1907) Henry-Marx. Gastein Serge
Notre sauveur, l'amant (1928) Henry-Marx. Flammarion
Ryls, un amour hors la loi (1920) Henry-Marx. Ollendorff
Sous un visage d'homme (1926) Henry-Marx. Flammarion
Le statue enchante et tous les secrets (1913) Henry-Marx. Bernard Grasset
La rodeur (1931) Pierre Herbart. Gallimard
Le Destinee (1900) Luis d'Herdy. Paris : Vanier
L'araignee de matin (1933) Philippe Heriat. Denoel et Steele
L'aube ardent (1919) Abel Hermant. Alphone Lemerre
Le cavalier miseree (1997) Abel Hermant. Charpentier
Dernier et premier amour (1923) Abel Hermant. Gallimard
Le disciple aime (1894) Abel Hermant. Paris : Ollendorff
Last and First Love (1930) Abel Hermant. New York : Macaulay. Tr Slater Brown. 384pp.
L'extentrique "les ombres" (1924) Abel Hermant. Paris : Alphonse Lemerre
Le loyal serviteur (1923) Abel Hermant. Gallimard
El Angel de Sodoma (1928) Alfonso Hernandex Cata. Madrid : Mundo Latino.
Steppenwolf (1929) Hermann Hesse. New York : Holt
Narziss und Goldmund (1931) Hermann Hesse. Berlini: S. Fischer
Partenau (1930) Max-Rene Hesse. Albin Michel
Hadrian (1864) Paule Heyse. Berlin :
Die Weisheit der Langenweile: eine zeit-und Streitschrift (1913) Kurt Hiller. Kurt Wolff Verlag. 2 volumes.
Fehler (1906) Herbert Hirschberg. Strassburg & Leipzig : Singer
Translated in Lovesick: Modernist Plays of Same-Sex Love, 1984-1925 (2003) Laurence Senelick. Contact me for text.
Le vice mortel (1903) Jules Hoche. Paris : Librarie I. Tallandier
La carriere de Lucette (1903) Jules Hoche. Paris : Tallandier. Sequel of the above
Selbstanzeige. Die letzte Flamme (1916) Sophie Hoechstetter. Jena : Landhausvrlag
Elektra (1903) Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Berlin : Fischer. English tr (1908)
Sommertage in Schweden (1924) Hansfried Hohendorf. Berlin :
A Guardian Angel (1867) Oliver Wendell Holmes. Boston : Houghton-Mifflin (1890)
A Moral Antipathy (1885) Oliver Wenell Holmes. Boston : Houghton-Mifflin (1892)
Schwarzwaldau (1856) Karl von Holtei. Prague & Leipzig :
Echo de Paris (1924) Laurence Housman. New York : D. Appleton & Co. 72pp.
The Perverts (1901) William Lee Howard. Dillingham
Mao (1914) Friedrich Huch. Berlin : Fischer
A Crystal Age (1906) William Henry Hudson.
"The Fire" in Century Magazine (Nov 1917) Helen Rose Hull
Labyrinth (1923) Helen Rose Hull. New York : Macmillan
Quest (1922) Helen Rose Hull. New York : Macmillan
Den alten Gottern (1918) Hans von Hulsen. Berlin :
Persephone (1929) Hans von Hulsen. Potsdam
Cruel Fellowship (1925) Cyril Hume. New York : Doran
Painted Veils (1929) James Gibbons Huneker. New York : Liveright. 310pp.
Huon of Bordeaux (1884) Anonymous?. London : Trubner
After the Fireworks and Other Stories (1930) Aldous Huxley. New York : Avon. 190pp.
A rebours (1884) Joris Karl Huysmans. Paris : Charpentier. / Against the Grain (1931) New York : Illustrated Editions Co. 339pp.
La-bas (1891) Joris Karl Huysmans. Paris : Tresse et Stock. / Down There (1958) New York : University Books. 317pp. Tr Keene Wallis. Sadism and Gilles de Rais
Le Bievre et Saint-Severin (1898) Joris Karl Huysmans. Paris : Stock
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1919) Vincente Blasco Ibanez, New York : Dutton
Little Eyolf (1894) Hendrick Ibsen. Pedophilic?
Seize ans, "l'adieu nocturne" (1929) Georges Imann. Paris : Bernard Grasset
Es lebe die Jugend (1903) Immoralicus. Berlin :
Mars in the House of Death (1937) Rex Ingram. New York : Knopf
Lesboso gedichte (1930) Iris Ira. Privately Printed.
Kyra Kyralina (1924) Panait Istrati. Paris : Rieder / New York : Knopf (1926). Boy love
"L'amour selectif" in Rev Blanc (Oct 1896) Charles Jackson
Niels Lyhne (?) Jens Peter Jacobsen. / New York : Doubleday Page (1921) Tr Hanna Astrup Larsen
Die Kronung Richards des Dritten (1921) Hans Henry Jahnn. Hamburg : Hauf
Ein Roman Aus Berlin W (1924) Grunert James, Berlin : Privatdruck. 2 vols
The Bostonians (1885) Henry James. Century Magazine
Die Neue Eva (1906) Mria Janitschek. Leipzig : F Rothbarth
Les Annees Roamntiques de Th. Gautier (1929) R. Jansinski. Paris : Guibert
The Garden of Priapus (1936) Alfred Jarry. Black Hawk Press. 169pp. Tr Louis Colman
Der Dulder von Golgatha (1912) K. F. Jordan. Berlin :
"The Encounter" in The Dubliner (1914) James Joyce. London : Grant Richards
The Passion Expert (1935) Harold S. Kahm. New York : Regent House
aka Secrets of a Society Doctor by Jerry Cole. Psychology graduate Dick rents an office in New York to pose as a psychiatrist for rich women with sexual problems. Instead, he saves a suicidal teenager, Matt from killing himself after his male crush rejects him. After a second gay man arrives, confiding in Dick that he wishes for a male partner, Dick eventually and successfully introduces him to Matt. I've seen Regent House, Greenberg, and Designs Publishing Company listed as the 1935 publisher for both titles and authors. Society Doctor seems to be the revision of Passion Expert.
Fabian. Die Geschichte eines Moralisten (1931) Erich Kästner
aka Fabian: The Story of a Moralist (Jonathan Cape, 1932, expurgated) (Libris, 1990, unexpurgated, & Northwestern Uni Press, 1993, unexpurgated with the 1952 epilogue) and Going to the Dogs (Atrium, 2013, unexpurgated). A man who lost his job wanders Berlin and encounters the range of its inhabitants, including several queer characters. Read Now: Archive (English, 1993)
Josef sucht die Freiheit (1929) Herman Kesten
Das kunstseidene Mädchen (1932) Irmgard Keun
The Artificial Silk Girl (tr. Kathie von Ankum, 1933). After seeing Mädchen in Uniform (1931) in the theatre, a heterosexual woman visits Berlin inspired to see its queer nightlife and find a way to survive in the city. Other sources state she saw Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1928?) instead.
Ein Jünger Platos: Aus dem Lemben eines Entgleistes (1914) Konradin
(TW: Pedophilia, Suicide) Follows the series of a man's desire for consummate love from a university friend, a man met on travels in Munich, his 16-year old violin pupil, and the rent boy he encounters in Capri.
Richtet nicht, auf dass ihr nicht gerichtet werdet (1909) Ernst A. Kuhner. Leipzig : Spohr. 46pp.
Brief an meine Metter (1903) Elisarion von Kupffer. Berlin :
Der Herr det Welt (1899) Elisarion von Kupffer. Berlin : Drmatisches Institut
Es soll (1903) Elisarion von Kupffer. Berlin :
Irrlichter (1897) Elisarion von Kupffer. Berlin : Verlag von E. Ebering
Der Konigliche (1898) Elisarion von Kupffer. Berlin :
Novellen und Skizzen (1898) Elisarion von Kupffer. Berlin : Eckstein
Satyrspiel und Tragodie (?) Elisarion von Kupffer. Berlin : Theatre des Eros
Sein Ratsel der Liebe (1901) Elisarion von Kupffer. Zurich : Caesar Schmidt
Sterben in Schonheit (1903) Elisarion von Kupffer. Berlin :
Крылья: Повесть в трех частях (1906) Mikhail Kuzmin
aka Flügel and Wings. A semi-autobiographical novel of a Russian teen's love for his older mentor. The title alludes to Plato's Phaedrus. More Info: Gay Men's Book Club, Bristol. Read Now: Lib.Ru (Russian)
Приключения Эме Лебефа (1906) Mikhail Kuzmin
aka Das Abanteuer des Aime Leboeuf. Read Now: Lib.Ru (Russian)
Gefahrliche Liebschaften (1909) Choderlos de Laclos
La bonifas (1925) Jacques de Lacretelle. Gallimard
Marie Bonifas (1929) Jacques de Lacretelle. New York : Putnam
Silbermam (1922) Jacques de Lacretelle. Gallimard
Laughing Boy (1929) Oliver la Farge. US : Literary Guild. 302pp.
Pebbaler (1929) Peter Martin Lampel. Berlin : Bahunstuck
Verratene Jungen (1929) Peter Martin Lampel. Frankfurt : Societat
Le responsable (1921) Andre Land. Albin Michel
"Echte Liebe" in Der Eigene (1898) Norbert Langner
"Der Fruend" in Franfurter Zeitung, Vol 20 (1905) Adolf Lanta.
Parable of the Virgins (1931) Mary Lapsley. New York : R. R. Smith
Daniel-Daniela: Aus dem Tagebuch eines Kreuzträgers (1908) Karl Larsen as Anonymous
The fictional diary of a feminine man or trans woman who falls in love with an officer--the protagonist's name, Daniel, seems to be more often presented as Daniela in the text. Once rejected, they choose to live the life of a solitary widow. The Danish 1922 edition is published under his name with a preface that claims the book was written to motivate debate and not sympathy for homosexuality.
The Golden Bed of Kydno (1935) Evadne Lascarsis. New York : Golden Cockerell Press
"The Fox" in Dial Magazine (May/Aug 1922) D. H. Lawrence
"Anakreon" in Bergsonnenschein (1902) Franx Lechleitner. Berlin :
Les cartons verts (1901) Georges Lecomte. Paris : Charpentier
"The Cat and the Kind" in Ladies Home Journal (Oct 1919) Jeannette Lee
Dusty Answer (1927) Rosamund Lehmann. New York : Hnery Holt & Co. 348pp.
A Note in Music (1930) Rosamund Lehmann. New York: Henry Holt and Co. 319pp.
L'hermaphrodite (1902) J. le Nismois. Paris : Bruxelles
Les fausses Vierges (1902) Frances Lepage. Paris: Offenstadt
Les trois visages (1939) Jean le Sablier. Denoel
Chaudes Saturnales (1893) Georges de Lesbos. Chez la belle Fathma Alger
Voluptes Bizarres (1893) Georges de Lesbos. Bruxells
Haarmann, ein Wehwold (1925) Theodor Lessing. Berlin : Verlad der Schmeide
Ladies Mistakes (1933) James Lever. New York : Nonesuch Press
Der Bogen des Philoktet: Tragödie in drei Akten (1909) Karl Michel von Levetzow
Read Now: Google (German), Hathitrust (German)
Longueur des nuits ou rien n'arrive (1935) Guy Levis-Mano. Editions GLM
Ann Vickers (1932) Sinclair Lewis. Garden City : Doubleday
The Apes of Gods (1930) Wyndham Lewis. London : Arthur Press
Liebchen (1909) Anonymous?. Vienna & Leipzig : Wiener Vrelad
Urningsliebe (1904) O. Liebetreau. Leipzig : Fischer. (!!!)
Die Sussen (1910) Karl Friedrich von Linden. Budapest : Grimm. Male sex workers
Rare Adventures and Painful Peregrination (1906) W. Lithgow. Glasow : MacLehose
L'agonie (1902) Jean Lombard. Ollendorff
Byzance (1901) Jean Lombard. Ollendorff
Helie, garcon d'hotel (1929) Jean Lorrain. Paris : Albin Michel
La mason philibert (1932) Jean Lorrain. Paris : Albin Michel
Monsieur de phocas (1929) Jean Lorrain. Paris : Albin Michel
Le sang desd dieux, "les ephebes" Jean Lorrain. Paris : Eduouard-Joseph
Le vice errant (1926) Jean Lorrain. Paris : Albin Michel
Pysche (1931) Pierre Louys. New York : Covici-Friede. 209pp.
Woman and Puppet (1932) Pierre Louys. New York : Rarity Press. Privately Printed. 270pp.
Les amours (1934) Lucien de Samosata. Paris : Librarie Garnier
Les cahiers d'un congreganist (1904) Louis Lumet. Paris : Charpentier
Puberte (1933) Maria Luz. Paris : Editions de France
La Vierge de Sodom (1901) Georges de Lys. Paris : Offenstadt freres.
"It's All Very Complicated" in Contact (Feb 1932) Robert McAlmon
Sonia: Between Two Worlds (1917) Stephan McKenna. London : Methuen & Co. 404pp.
My Friend, Annabelee (1903) Mary MacLane. Chicago : Stone
Coral (1925) Compton Mackenzie. New York : George H Doran. 299pp.
The East Wind (1937) Compton Mackenzie. New York : Dodd, Mead. 504pp.
Extremes Meet (1928) Compton Mackenzie. Garden City : Doubleday Doran. 316pp.
Poor Relations (1919) Compton Mackenzie. New York : Harper & Bros. 332pp.
The South Wind of Love (1937) Compton Mackenzie. New York : Dodd, Mead. 758pp.
The Young Desire it (1937) Seaforth Mackenzie. London : Jonathan Cape. 330pp.
Saint-cendre (1898) Maurice Maindron. Fasquelle
Le boulet (1886) Rene Maizeroy. Victor Havard
Deux amies (1885) Rene Maizeroy. Victor Havard
Les deux femmes de mademoiselle (1885) Rene Maizeroy. Albin Michel
Bibi -- Jugend 1928 (1929) Heinrich Mann. Berlin :
Bibi -- Sie sing Jugend (?) Heinrich Mann.
Die Jagd nach Liebe (1903) Heinrich Mann. Munich :
Anja und Ester (1925) Klaus Mann. Berlin : Oesterheld
Vor dem Leben (1925) Klaus Mann. Hamburg : Enoch
"Bliss" in Blis and Other Stories (1920) Katherine Mansfield. New York : Knopf
My Friends and the Baboons (1939) E. Marais. London : Metheuen
The Wild Party (1931) Joseph M. March. New York : Covici-Friede
Mytilene, ile d'amour (1889) Maurice Mereil. Albert Mericant
A jolie fille, joli garcon, "miroir de beaute" (1922) Lucie-Paul Margueritte. Flammarion
The Bachelor Girl (1924) Victor Margueritte. London : Philpot
La Garconne (1922) Victor Margueritte. Flammarion.
Ces Messieurs du sens interdit (1905) Marilly de Saint-Yves. Paris : Georges du Cayla.
Adone (1886) Giovanni B. Marino. A. Salani. 519pp.
Der Emigrant (1923) Kurt Martens. Hanover
Grafin Pia; der Roman ohnezwei Welten (1913) Kurt Martens. Berlin : E. Fleischez. 407pp.
Roman aus der Decadence (1896) Kurt Martens. Berlin : Fortane. 159pp.
Le Bell Libtertine (1919) Baron de Maschera. Paris : Le Caire
Multitude and Solitude (1907/1916) John Masefield. New York : Macmillan
The Fate of the Jury (1929) E. L. Masters. New York : Appleton
Doomesday Book (1920) Edgar Lee Masters. New York : Macmillan
Theatre (1937) Somerset W. Maugham. Garden City : Doubleday
"La Femme de Paul" in La Maison Tellier (1881) Guy de Maupassant.
aka "Paul's Mistress" and "Femme Fatale." A man discovers that his mistress is actually a lesbian. Read Now: Archive (French), Gutenberg (Alt) (French), Lambertville Library (English)
Deux Corps, une ame (1932) Vera Mazzuchi. Paris : La Revue Mondiale
The Green Salamander (1933) Maude Meagiter. Boston : Houghton-Mifflin
Dr. Erna Redens Thorheit und Erkenntnis (1900) Alfred Meebold. Berlin : Verlag Vita
La Maison de la Ville (1894) Catulle Mendes. Paris : Charpentier
Mephistophele (1890) Catulle Mendes. Paris : E. Dentu
Zo'har (1886) Catulle Mendes. Paris : Charpentier
Birth of the Gods (1926) Dimitri Merejkoski. New York : Dutton
"The Metal Monster" in Argosy (1921) Abraham Merrit
Monsier Auguste (1860) Josephy Mery. Paris : Michel-Levy Feres
La chair, "l'aventure de Marius Dauriat," "en famille" (1886) Oscar Metenier. Bruxelles : Kistemaeckers
Dionysos (1924) Viktor Meyer-Eckardt. Jena : Diederichs
The Lamp and the Bell (1921) Edna St. Vincent Millay. New York : Harper. Play
Against the Wall (1929) Kathleen Millay. New York : Macaulay
Sweet Man (1930) Gilmore Millen. New York : Viking
The Tropic of Cancer (1933) Henry Miller. Pris : Obelisk / New York : Grove (1961) 318pp.
Ces petits messieurs (1922) Francis de Miomandre. Paris : Emile-Paul Freres
Contance Trescot (1905) Silas Weir Mitchell. New York : Century
Black Sparta (1928) Naomi (Haldane) Mitchison. New York : Harcourt Brace. Ancient Greece. esp "Krypteia" and "Take Back Your Boy Wreath."
"The Delicate Fire" in The Delicate Fire (1931) Naomi Mitchison. London : J. Cape
Wahrheit: Schauspiel in 4 Akten (1907) Siegfried Moldau
Read Now: Google (German), Hathitrust (German)
The Other Love (1929/1930) Godgrey Moss. Garden City : Doubleday
Lawn Tennis (1911) Gabriel Mouret. Stock
Mohammed Ali and His House (1905) L. Muhlback. New York : A. L. Fowle. 463. Tr Chapman Coleman
Old Fritz and the New Era (1905) L. Muhlbach. New York : A. L. Fowle. 407pp.
Queen Hortense (1905) L. Muhlbach. New York : A. L. Fowle. 383pp.
Die Knaben und der Fluss (1934) Josef Muhlbrger. Leipzig : Insel-Verlag
Die Psychologie der Erbtante (1905) Erich Muhsam. Zurich : Caesar Schmidt
Le livre de San Michele (1937) Axel Munthe. Albin Michel
Gamiani 1864) Alfred de Musset. Brussells : Gay
L'adventureeuse pepe (1901) Myrtie. Paris : Librairie du xx siecle
Hadrian VII (1904) Frederick Rolfe as Baron Corvo. London : Chatton & Windus
Frost in May (1933) Antonia White. London: Virago(?)