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A Cure for Dudes


John T. Wheelwright

Boston : Walter H. Baker and Co.


Short Story


Decadence, Satire, Gay Men

Open Access

I have seen something in the about dudes. Those vulgar newspaper have to be funny about something and could find nothing better to do than to fun at gentlemen.


Mr. H., a bored dandy on vacation, resorts to a conversation with the only person he knows: Miss R, who mutually despises his company. They chat in a satire of Mr. H.'s peevish, effeminate nature until Miss R. scares him away with her "cure for dudes:" pretending to trap him in a marriage proposal to her.

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Published in George Riddle's Readings (1888) edited by George Riddle, pages 27-58.

Miss R. references Patience, the opera by Gilbert and Sullivan satirizing the Aesthetic movement, but through a character which does not exist in the opera: Algernon.

Mr. H references Du Maurier's cartoons in Punch as his guide for the latest London fashions—those cartoons satirize the English Aesthetic movement.

I could not locate anything on a gentleman's club popular for dandies named Knickerbein.

Content & Trigger Warnings

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Riddle's anthology includes a copyright notice for the story with F. E. Chase. I have't located the related publication yet.

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