A Marriage Below Zero
Alfred J. Cohen
New York : G.W. Dillingham
Gay Men, Military
He was all the time thinking of some one else. I wondered why I could not picture this "some one else." I seemed utterly unable to realize the fact that Arthur Ravener could love another woman.
A melodramatic novel from the POV of a woman who discovers her husband's affair with an older male army captain.
More Info
Written by Alfred J. Cohen as Alan Dale.
Also see:
"'Oh God, There is No Woman In This': A Marriage Below Zero, the Somerset and Russell Scandals, and the Sodomitical Threat to Victorian Marriage" (2013) by Richard A. Kaye
"The Return of Damon and Pythias: Alan Dale's A Marriage below Zero" (2002) by Richard A. Kaye
Content & Trigger Warnings
(highlight to reveal)
SUICIDE: of a main character.

New York: G.W. Dillingham (1899)
Broadview Press (2017) ed by Richard A. Kaye to include excerpts of comparable cases in history to the novel, including court cases by wives who discover their husbands' homosexual infidelity.