A Tale of Pausanian Love
Edward Perry Warren
London : Cayme Press
Autobio Fiction
Gay Men, Academia, Uranian
Open Access
Oxford alone had a region of arcana and delight, which the world at large neither knew nor cared to know... Here Plato and my notebook lay open.
A autobiographical novel set in Oxford where many of the characters are Warren's contemporaries like John Addinton Symonds.
More Info
Written by Edward Perry Warren as Arthur Lyon Raile. Although written in the 1880's it was first published in 1927.
Also see:
The Collected Works & Commissioned Biography of Edward Perry Warren: Volume I (2014) by Michael Kaylor
The Mount Vernon Street Warrens: A Boston Story, 1860-1910 (1989) By Martin Green. New York : Charles Scriber's Sons.
Content & Trigger Warnings
(highlight to reveal)

London : Cayme Press (1927)
Masaryk University Press (2014) in The Collected Works & Commissioned Biography of Edward Perry Warren: Volume I by Michael Kaylor (ISBN: 978-8021063457)