Charlot s'amuse
Paul Bonnetain
Bruxelles : Henrey Kistmaeckers
Erotica, Bisexual, Naturalism, Religion
A novel of a compulsive masturbator. Charlot, the son of sex worker and an alcoholic, discovers masturbation after his father's funeral. He is sent to a Catholic order and school pervaded by homosexualty, which he attempts, but eventually he grows out of. He graduates into the army and later attempts a disastrous marriage which ends in his suicide.
More Info
A hugely scandalous and popular book that flew through about five reprints in two weeks. Bonnetain was sued for the book but aquitted in late 1884; editions after 1885 are expanded with further details of the incident.
Also see:
"The Charlot s’amuse trial: onanism and the scandal of naturalist fiction" by Marco Wan in Masculinity and the Trials of Modern Fiction (2016). Routledge. (ISBN: 9781315544083)
"Les Ensablés - 'Charlot s'amuse" de Paul Bonnetain (1858-1899): une curiosité naturaliste." (2014) by Herve Bel
Content & Trigger Warnings
(highlight to reveal)
ALCOHOLISM: The father of the protagonist is an alcoholic.
CHILD ABUSE: The protagonist's mother beats him.
DOMESTIC ABUSE: A man who sleeps with the protagonist's mother beats her.
RAPE MENTION: The protagonist contemplates raping girls.
SUICIDE: The protagonists commits suicide at the end of the novel.

Bruxelles : Henrey Kistmaeckers (1883)
Bruxelles : Henrey Kistmaeckers (1885) Edition augmented with a document relating to the trial judged by the Court of Assizes of Paris on December 27, 1884, and an opinion of the author.