David Blaize
E. F. Benson
London : Hodder and Stoughton
Autobio Fiction
Academia, Gay Men, Special Friendships
In all the world there was no one so instinct with romance and glory as this boy three years his senior who realized for him all he wanted to be.
Autobiographical fiction of Marlborough boys school and of the titular David's love for his roommate Frank, mirroring Benson's experience towards Vincent Yorke.
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Its first sequel, David Blaize and the Blue Door (2018) is set earlier in David's childhood and features a Carrollian dreamscape illustrated by H. J. Ford. The next title, David of King's in the UK and David Blaize of King's in the US, was published in 1924 and picks up after David's introduction to King's College, Cambridge.
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London : Hodder and Stoughton (1916)
New York : George H. Doran Company (1916)