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Joseph and His Friend: A Story of Pennsylvania


Bayard Taylor

New York : G.P. Putnam & Sons




Gay Men, Bisexual, Special Friendships

Is life to be so sacrificed to habit and prejudice? I said that Faith, like Law, was fashioned for the average man: then there must be a loftier faith, a juster law, for the men—and the women—who cannot shape themselves according to the common-place pattern of society,—who were born with instincts, needs, knowledge, and rights—ay, rights!—of their own!


Considered America's first gay novel. An inexperienced young farmer, Joseph, marries a greedy and woman named Julia who insists that he invest in her father's oil operation. Joseph meets a man named Philip in a train crash; they swiftly become romantic friends. When Julia suddenly dies after an argument about her monetary scheming, the community turns to blame Joseph until Philip proves his innocence in trial. Following Philip's advice, Joseph leaves to travel and come to great experience; he returns and soon falls in love with Philip's sister although Philip's feelings remain unchanged.

Content & Trigger Warnings

(highlight to reveal)

SUICIDE: by arsenic. suspected and disproved, instead;
DRUG OVERDOSE: a woman regularly consumes arsenic and dies from it.

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The Atlantic Monthly (Jan 1870-Dec 1870) Serialized.

New York : G. P. Putnam & Sons (1870) first edition title page from Wikimedia. Seen at Whitmore Rare Books (p12). Second print is green with added preface. Published thru at least 1893.

London : S. Low, Son and Marston (1870) Published thru at least 1881.

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