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Le Livre Blanc


Jean Cocteau

Paris: M. Sachs et J. Bonjean


Autobio Fiction


Gay Men, Queer Experience

Open Access



Generally The White Page or A White Paper in English. Illustrated and with a preface by Jean Cocteau. Follows a young man's loves and affairs, his attempts to love women and join the church, and eventually his acceptence of his sexuality.

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Content & Trigger Warnings

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Paris : M. Sachs et J. Bonjean (1928)

Paris : The Olympia Press (1957) cover by Between the Covers Rare Books on Abebooks.

New York : The Macaulay Company (1958) book (front, spine) and dust cover (front, spine) by DL FINE ARTS on Abebooks.

London : Peter Owen (2013) edition was issued for the 50th anniversary of Cocteau's death. Translated by Margaret Crosland.

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