Jacob Israƫl de Haan
Amsterdam : Jacq Van Cleef
Autobio Fiction
Gay Men
Considered the first Dutch homosexual novel.
More Info
More information on De Haan and his work at the GL Review.
De Haan wrote a sequel to the book but the manuscript was never published and is assumed lost or destroyed.
Content & Trigger Warnings
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Amsterdam : Jacq Van Cleef (1904) cover by Fokas Holthuis on Abebooks.
The second edition (1904) is subtitled het leven van Cor Koning en Felix Deelman/The Life of Cor King and Felix Deelman.
It adds another 10 pages and changes several parts of the text: several additional paragraphs were added, the names of the main characters were changed, and the character described as "fourteen years old" was changed to "not yet an adult." The main characters' original names, Joop and Sam, referred to de Haan and to Arnold Aletrino, to whom De Haan dedicated the book. Aletrino disliked this and attempted to buy out copies of the book to remove it from circulation.