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The Phoenix of Sodom, Or, The Vere Street Coterie


Robert Holloway

J. Cook




Gay Men, Sex Workers, Nonfiction

Open Access

It is a generally received opinion, and a very natural one, that the prevalence of this passion has for its object effeminate delicate beings only: but this seems to be, by Cook’s account, a mistaken, notion; and the reverse is so palpable in many instances [...] It seems that these odious practices are not confined to one, two, or three houses, either public or private; for there are many about town.


Subtitled "Being an Exhibition of the Gambols Practised by the Ancient Lechers of Sodom and Gomorrah, Embellished and Improved with the Modern Refinements in Sodomitical Practices, by the Members of the Vere Street Coterie, of Detestable Memory."

A defence of James Cook, one of the owners of The White Swan, to extricate him from his ties in the Vere Street Coterie incident where six men where pilloried for sodomy.

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The pamphlet also relates the case of Thomas White and John Hepburn who spent time at The White Swan and were executed for sodomy. Reverend John Church, who officiated gay weddings at The White Swan, is also referenced.

More info at WikipediaPilloryHistory, and RictorNorton.

A collection of newspaper reports about the incident have also been compiled by Rictor Norton.

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J. Cook (1813) title page by the British Library.

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