X Daniel-Daniela: Aus dem Tagebuch eines Kreuzträgers
Karl Larsen
Berlin : Concordia
Transgender, Gay Men
I am Daniel-Daniela. And among my equals I count Sophocles and Socrates and Alexander Magnus, Leonardo and Michelangelo, Shakespeare and Molière, the great Fritz and the "young hero", Platen and the Dreamer from Starnbergerøen—and the others I do not know who have reshaped the world or dreamed of the world ...
The fictional diary of a trans woman who falls in love with an officer. The protagonist's name, Daniel, seems to be more often presented as Daniela in the text. Once rejected, she chooses to live the life of a solitary widow.
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Also see:
Who's Who in Gay and Lesbian History: From Antiquity to the Mid-Twentieth Century (2020) by Robert Aldrich and Garry Wotherspoon, which draws an equivilant between Daniela and the depiction of one of Larsen's homosexual friends, Joakim Reinhard, as a feminine gay man.
Queer Places by Elisa Rolle, which republishes the text of Who's Who.
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Berlin : Concordia (1915) paperback seen at Abebooks and Lili Elbe Library.
(1922) Published under Karl Larsen's name with a preface that claims the book was written to motivate debate and not sympathy for homosexuality.