x Seelenwanderung
Jules Siber
Gay Men
"There is no past," said he. "Everything is present." (tr. Google)
"Metempsychosis" or "Wandering Soul" in English. Spurred by an interest in the occult, a violinist goes searching for the truth of the abandoned villa and unfinished painting of a Dutch painter burned alive for sodomy in 1654.
More Info
Summary of the book with a brief biographical sketch of Siber at The Weird and the Wonderful on Youtube.
The year of publication varies by source. Gay Berlin: Birthplace of a Modern Identity (2014) and Google cite 1906, The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of Berlin (2017) and the 2011 Hamburg reprint cite 1913/1914.
Content & Trigger Warnings
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Hamburg (2011) contains a foreword by Olaf N. Schwanke, afterword by Wolfram SetzIn, and an appendix including "Niccolò Paganini" (1914) by Jules Siber, "Where is the Homoerotic Novel" by Kurt Hiller, and "Jules Siber's Esoteric Words" by Florian Mildenberger. 184pp. (ISBN 978-3-939542-57-5)