Human Sexuality; a Medico-Literary Treatise on the Laws, Anomalies, and Relations of Sex, With Especial Reference to Contrary Sexual Desire
Joseph Richardson Park
Human Sexuality; a Medico-Literary Treatise on the Laws, Anomalies, and Relations of Sex, With Especial Reference to Contrary Sexual Desire
Philadelphia : Professional Publishing Company
1st Edition
Park determines that the origin of homosexuality is combined of degenerative and social traits (262). He relates the homosexual condition to senility, mental dementia, and physical decline (189-191), and concludes that environment and sexual culture or education does produce homosexuality (247, 254), not climate or hereditary factors (260). He criticizes the Sotadic zone theory (260) and Ulrich's soul theory (261), but accepts Ellis and Letamendi's theory of male or female "germs" manifesting in one or the other sexual instinct (262). In addition, he believes homosocial environments may either produce noncongenital homosexuality (250) or create a culture which permits homosexuality, such as in international militaries and travelers (251). On the other hand, to Park sexual anesthesia (asexuality) is a degenerative symptom common in men but with little data representative of women (191, 194, 253).