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Ioläus: An Anthology of Friendship


Edward Carpenter

Ioläus: An Anthology of Friendship

London : Swan Sonnenschein & Co. Limited; Manchester : Charles E. Goodspeed

1st Edition


A book of histories, references, sources, quotes, and so on of ancient and modern queer relationships. He cites the Platonic ideal of romantic love (42) and gives his wish that it may return to modern practice with an updated belief in "woman's equal part" (43). The change of values and family structure in the Christian centuries pushed chivalric expressions of love-friendship to private instead of public life (98-99). Meanwhile, he cites Eastern poets as having praised love-friendship independent of Greek or Christian thought (109), then concludes with quotations from Walt Whitman (177-181).

Ioläus: An Anthology of Friendship

London : Swan Sonnenschein & Co. Limited; Manchester : Charles E. Goodspeed

2nd Edition


Expanded from the 1st edition with a segment labeled "Additions [1906]." This segment adds further examples of queer life in history, including Greek Times, Persian Poetry, Renaissance, and Modern Times. Unless it was a scanning error, the 2nd edition repeats pages 88-93 after page 99, then resumes at 97. It also repeats 190-221 after page 221, then resumes at page 222 as normal.

Anthology of Friendship (Ioläus)

London : George Allen & Unwin Limited

3rd Edition


This version claims to be again expanded; however, the only difference from the 2nd edition are in the additional titles included in the section "Works by Edward Carpenter" after the index.

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